Text and Context: Where Does a Text End? (series A)
Journal Name:
- Çankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences
Keywords (Original Language):
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Abstract (2. Language):
This paper discusses the nature of text and its relations with context. There are two arguments. The
main argument is that it is no longer possible to draw the boundaries which separate text from context
because recent definitions of text subsume much of what was traditionally seen as context. The second
argument is that this new concept of a boundless text is nowhere more explicit than in literary
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bu makalede metnin özellikleri ve metin-bağlam ilişkileri ele alõnmaktadõr. Tartõşõlan konulardan
biri, metnin sõnõrsõzlõğõ ve eskiden bağlam olarak adlandõrõlan şeylerin çoğunun artõk metnin kendi
içinde görülmesidir. İkincisi ise metnin sõnõrsõz olma özelliğinin en çok edebiyat metinlerinde ortaya
çõktõğõ iddiasõdõr.
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