The Effects of Education on Economic Growth and Development
Journal Name:
- Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
In the globalization process and the information age, the most important investment for being information society is the investment for the education. For this reason, the developing and developed countries can complete the gap with the education. The significance of the education comes from the positive externality of the individuals and emerging social benefit coming from this externality. In this context, the researches have concretely indicated that the education is directly relevant with the income distribution, increase in productivity, political stability, social and cultural progress, and industrialization. As a result of given education convenient with the society, the individual gains the information and skill and these gains enhance the quality in job and increase in the productivity and income. The educated people has been called as human capital in literature and known as one of the most important investment type. The theory of human capital argues that the education increases the productivity of the labor force and contributes the economic growth directly. The developed human capital leads the economic growth directly or indirectly by means of increasing the productivity.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Küresellesme sürecinde ve bilgi çaginda, bilgi toplumu olmanin en önemli yatirimi egitime olan yatirimdir. Bu nedenle, az gelismis ve gelismekte olan ülkeler, gelismis ülkelerle aralarindaki farki ancak egitime yönelik yatirimlariyla kapatabileceklerdir. Egitimin bu kadar önem arz etmesinin en önemli nedeni, egitimli bireylerin toplumun geneline olumlu dissalliklar yayarak sosyal faydayi arttirmalaridir. Bu baglamda yapilan arastirmalar somut olarak egitimin gelir dagilimi, verimlilik artisi, siyasal istikrar saglama, sosyal ve kültürel kalkinma ve sanayilesme gibi olgular üzerinde olumlu etkileri oldugunu göstermistir. Topluma uygun ve nitelikli egitim verilmesi sonucu kisilerin kazandigi bilgi ve beceri, isgücünün kalitesini, verimliligini ve geliri önemli ölçüde arttirmaktadir. Beseri sermaye seklinde tanimlanan egitimli insan gücü ekonomide en önemli sermaye türlerinden biridir. Beseri sermaye teorisi, egitimin isgücünün verimliligini arttirarak ekonomik büyümeye yol açtigini savunmaktadir. Gelismis beseri sermaye, verimliligi hem dolaysiz ve hem de dolayli olarak arttirarak ekonomik büyümeye önemli katkida bulunur.
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