Journal Name:
- Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Insurance is a kind of protection against the damages that could happen,
through the combination of the elements faced with the same risks. In the core of the
concept of insurance lies the need to take some precautions in order to compensate
for the damages that are likely to occur in the world with people living.
The insurance sector has the function of intermediary in creating the funds
necessary for the investments. Insurance firms keep the premiums they collect as a
warrant for the demand of compensation for the future events. Some of the money is
directed to capital markets and investors have the opportunity to invest in the funds
created through insurance sector. This function of financial intermediary is
especially important in closing the gap of investment in countries.
Insurance sector is of great importance in the developing countries in terms of
compensating for the risks in the fields of economy, industry, agriculture, export,
transport and other fields. It is only possible to perform business activities in a
secure manner through a well-established insurance sector and the existence of a
sound insurance warranty in whatever field it is.
As the insurance sector flourish, so do the types of insurance. Nearly
everything in the present day can be insured within the frame of material values and
responsibility. The old types of insurance have been substituted by more complex
insurance groups.
In our country, insurance activities are grouped under two main headings as
life-related and non life-related. Besides, as of 27th October 2003, pension insurance
became one of the branches with the outset of individual pension system.
Insurance sector is an important fiscal and financial sector creating funds for
the economy and inspiring security. As in all sectors, the understanding of efficient
service delivery is of great significance. Efficiency is a kind of performance
measurement determining the level of reach to the objectives set at the outset of the
business. Hence, the concept efficiency is objective-oriented and determines the
realization of the objectives by associating them with the output of the business.
Insurance sector is a branch of service sector developing swiftly in the last few
years. With the advances in technical fields, the existence of insurance firms
depends on a variety of factors. These are low cost through rational use of resources, meeting the demands of the customers through promoting quality, and
providing sufficient performance in managerial and technical tasks.
Efficient use of performance measurements such as quality, cost, flexibility
taking into account the fundamental elements such as change, competition, and
examining the interaction among these have become one of the main fields of
interest for the insurance firms.
Performance is an umbrella term covering the dimensions of efficiency,
effectiveness and quality, which makes it obligators for the unit to be measure from
different aspects and in the measurement of performance efficiency and/or
productivity methods should be used. One of the most commonly used methods in the
evaluation of companies is “Efficiency Analysis”. Efficiency measurement helps the
company to find its position in the competitive environment and shows how to use
the inputs to produce optimum output.
Turkish insurance sector has a dynamic structure after lifting the fee quotas on
Accidents Insurance, Engineering Insurance and Agricultural Insurance and then
Fire and Freight Insurance. Thanks to these developments, the insurance sector has
a market in line with competitive and free market conditions. In these new markets,
the efficient use of resources is very important and it is a must that the insurance
firms should be assessed relatively for the performance in the sector and the
reference companies should be determined to get their position in the efficiency
The objective of this study is to evaluate the relative efficiency of the 25
insurance firms in non life-related field based on the 2005, 2006 and 2007 data. In
order to perform the evaluation, a non-parametric method, Data Envelopment
Analysis has been employed. Besides, in order for the inefficient insurance firms to
guide, the rate input and output percentiles have been explained and at what
percentile should the inefficient firms change in their input and output has been
outlined. The results are expected to be useful for the insurance companies and
researches in the field.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Sigortacılık; kişilerin veya kurumların, iktisadi ve sosyal anlamda kendilerini
güvende hissetmelerini sağlayan ve ülke ekonomisine fon oluşturan önemli bir mali
sektördür. Tüm sektörlerde olduğu gibi sigortacılık sektöründe de etkin hizmet
sunma anlayışı önemlidir. Etkinlik, işletmecilik yönüyle örgütlerin belirlenmiş
amaçlarına ulaşmak amacıyla gerçekleştirdikleri faaliyetlerin sonucunda, bu
amaçlara ulaşma derecesini belirleyen bir performans ölçütüdür. Dolayısıyla
etkinlik, amaçlara yönelik bir kavramdır ve amaçların gerçekleşmesi işletmenin
çıktılarıyla ilişkilendirilerek belirlenir.
Etkinlik ölçümü, işletmenin bulunduğu rekabet ortamı içindeki yerini
belirlemesine yardımcı olmakta, mevcut girdilerden nasıl en iyi çıktı üretebileceğini
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye sigortacılık sektörünün hayat dışı branşında
faaliyet gösteren toplam 25 sigorta şirketinin 2005, 2006 ve 2007 yılları verilerine
dayanarak sektörde faaliyet gösteren sigorta şirketlerinin birbirlerine göre
verimliliklerinin değerlendirilmesidir. Bu değerlendirmede parametrik olmayan
yöntemlerden biri olan veri zarflama analizi kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca etkin bulunmayan
sigorta yönetimlerine yol göstermesi amacıyla verimli olmayan karar birimleri için
hedef belirleme işlemleri yani etkin olmayan birimlere de etkin olmaları için
girdilerinin veya çıktılarının miktarlarında yüzdesel olarak ne kadar değişiklik
yapmaları gerektiğini de açıklamıştır. Elde edilen sonuçların, bilgi edinmek isteyen
sigorta şirketleri yönetimlerine, sigortalılara ve araştırmacılara faydalı olması
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