
Ters Fisher sendromu : olgu sunumu

Reverse Fisher's Syndrome : A Case Report

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Altmışbir yaşında bir erkek, muhtemelen posterior serebral arter tıkanmasına bağlı ilk ters Fisher sendromu olarak sunulmaktadır. Hastada, Fisher 'in orijinal raporundakinin aksine, karşı gözdeki hareket dışa bakma şeklinde idi. Karşı gözde total paralizi mevcuttu. Bu hastadaki kontralateral abdüksiyon sol fronto-pontin traktüsteki bir lezyona bağlıydı. Sol posterior serebral arter tıkanmasına bağlı bir infarkt, etkilenmeyen gözde addüksiyona (ters Fisher sendromu) yol açabilir. [Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi 1997;4(1):93-95]
Abstract (Original Language): 
sixty one-year-old man who was perhaps the first case of reverse Fisher's syndrome due to posterior cerebral artery occlusion is presented. The patient experienced conjugate gaze disorders in which that the preserved eye movement was adduction in the contralateral eye, as opposed to the abduction described in the Fisher's original report. There was total paralysis in the ipsilateral eye. In this case, abduction in the contralateral eye was due to lesion of the left fronto-pontine pathway from frontal eye field. An infarct due to left posterior cerebral artery occlusion may produce a reverse Fisher's syndrome in which that the preserved eye movement is adduction. [Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center 1997;4(1):93-95



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