

Candida species isolated from various clinical specimens

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Objectives: The various culture specimens of patients were investigated in our research. Material and methods: 123 Candida strains were isolated. In identification of Candida species that were isolated, germ tube test, growth in Cornmeal-Tween 80 agar and formation of clamydospore, presence of pseudohyphae, carbonhytrate fermentation and assimilation tests, formation of membranes in sabouraud medium, and the tests of ascospore in the mediums with cycloheximide and the test of nitrate were studied. Results and Conclusion: Finally, 123 Candida strains were identified as follows: 75 strains belonging to Calbicans (60.97%), 15 strains belonging to C.stellatoidea (12.19%), 14 strains belonging to Ctropicalis (11.38%ı), 8 strains belonging to C.kefyr (6.50%>), 2 strains belonging to Cguilliermondii (1.63%>), 3 strains belonging to Cparapsilosis (2.44%>) and 6 strains belonging to C.krusei (4.88%>).
Abstract (Original Language): 
Amaç: Araştırmamızda klinik mikrobiyoloji laboratuvarlarına gelen hastaların çeşitli kültürleri incelenmiştir. Materyal ve metot: Klinik materyallerden 123 Candida izole edilmiştir. İzole edilen Candida türlerinin tanımlanmasında Germ tüp testi, Cornmeal-Tween 80 ağarda üreme ve klamidospor oluşumu, pseudohif bulunuşu, karbonhidrat fermantasyon ve asimilasyon testleri, üreaz testi, sabouraud besiyerinde zar oluşumu, nitrat testi, siklohekzimitli ortamda gelişim ve askospor testleri çalışılmıştır. Bulgular ve Sonuç: Yapılan testler sonucunda 75'i (%60.97) C.albicans, 15'i (%12.19) C.stellatoidea, 14'ü (%11.38) Ctropicalis, 8'i (%6.50) C.kefyr, 2si (%1.63) Cguilliermondii, 3'ü (%2.44) Cparapsilosis ve 6'sı (%4.88) C.krusei olmak üzere, toplam 123 Candida tanımlanmıştır.



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