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Abstract (2. Language): 
Felty's syndrome: Succesful tlıerapy with eyelosporine A and granulocyte colony stimukıtiııg factov. Felty's syndrome (FS) İs a rare disorder characterized as a systemic manifestatİon of severe rheumatoİd arthritis (RA) associated wİtlı granulocytopenia and splenomegaly. Bccause of thİs rarity, controlled studies of different treatıncnt modalitics are not available. Herein wc presen t a patient with FS who was admitted wiıh splenomegaly and leukopenia İn addition to ehronic polyarthritis. Initial treatment of the patient consİsted of corticosteroids, hİdroxychlu-roquine, granulocyie colony stİmulatiııg factor (G-CSF) and eyelosporine A willı improvemeni of leukopenia and arthritis. The dose of corticosteroids werc tapered and G-CSF was adminis-tered in gradually inereased intervals. Duriııg tlıc follow-up, the patient was in remission with low-dose cortİcosteroid, hydroxychloroquine, eyelosporine A (3 mg/kg/day) treatment after six monlhs.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Felty sendromu (FS) romatoid artrİtin (RA) nadir bîr kompükasyonu olup ııötropcni ve spleno-megali İle karaklerizedir. Nadir görülmesi nedeniyle farklı ledavi yöntemlerini içeren kontrollü çalışmalar yoktur. Burada, kronik poliartrite ilaveten splenomegaîi vc lökopeni üc başvuran bir hasta sunuldu. Tedavinin başlangıcında yüksek doz kortikosteroid, hidroksiklorokin, gra-nülosİî koloni uyarıcı faktör (G-CSF) ve sikîosporin A birlikte kullanılarak lökopeni düzeldi ve artrit kontrol altına alındı. Stcroid dozu azaltıldı, G-CSF aralıkları açılarak kesildi. Hasta halen takibinin altıncı aymda düşük doz kortikosteroid, hidroksiklorokin ve 3mg/kg/g sikîosporin A tedavisi ile remisyonda izlenmektedir



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