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Abstract (2. Language): 
Six case reports involving the treatment of impacted maxillary teeth by surgical-orthodontic management are presented. In five of the cases maxillary canine teeth were impacted, while a maxillary central incisor tooth was impacted in the sixth case. By surgical intervention, the overlying bone in the path of eruption of impacted teeth was removed, a hole was drilled on each of the crowns and a ligature wire was tied through each hole. Orthodontic treatment was accomplished through Edgewise mechanics
Abstract (Original Language): 
Gömük üst çene dişlerinin cerrahi-ortodontîk yöntemle tedavisini içeren altı olgu sunulmaktadır. Olgularımızın beşinde üst çene kanİn dişleri, altıncısında ise üst çenede orta kesici diş gömük olarak bulunmaktadır. Cerrahi girişim olarak, gömük dişlerin sürme doğrultuları üzerindeki kemik dokusu kaldırılmış, bu dişlerin kuron kısımları üzerinde delik açılmış ve ligatür teli bağlanmıştır. Ortodontik tedavi Edgewise mekaniği İle gerçekleştirilmiştir.



1. Bishara, S.E., Kommer, D.D., McNeil, M.H., Montagano, L.N., Oesterle, LJ,, Youngquist, H.W.: Management of Impacted Canines, Am. J., Orthod., 1976; 69: 371-387.
2. Fastlİcht, S.: Treatment oflmpacted Canines, Am. J. Orthod. 1954; 40: 891-905.
3. Jacoby, H.: The "Ballista Spring" System for Impacted Teeth, Am. J. Orthod., 1979; 75: 143-151.
4. Johnston, W.D.: Treatment of Palatally Impacted Canine Teeth, Am. J. Orthod., 1969; 56: 589-596.
5. Lappin, M.M.: Practical Management of the Impacted Maxillary Cuspid, Am. J. Orthod., 1951; 37: 769-778.
6. Leslie, H.E.: A New Improved Method of Treatment of Impacted or Unerupted Teeth, Am. J. Orthod., 1955; 41: 583¬593.
7. Lewis, P.D.: Preorthodontic Surgery in the Treatment of Impacted Canines, Am. J. Orthod., 1971; 60: 382¬397.
8. Mead, S.V.: Cooperation Between the Orthodontist and Oral Surgeon in the Diagnosis and Care of Impacted Teeth, Am. J. Orthod., 1951; 37: 355-359.
9. Nielsen, I.L., Prydse, U., Winkler, T.: Direct Bonding on Impacted Teeth, Am. J. Orthod., 1975; 68: 666-670.
10. Stangl, D.P.: Conservative Treatment of Palatally Impacted Canines.Am./. Orthod., 1976; 69: 328-334.
11. Von der Heydt, K.: The Surgical Uncovering and Orthodontic Positioning og, Unerupted Maxillary Canines, Am. J. Orthod., 1975; 68: 256-276.

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