
An Investigation on P-Adic U Numbers

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this paper, firstly we show that there are infinitely many p-adic numbers y such that y E UIr1 and P, ( y ) E Ulr1 where k E N , 1 < i < k and P, (x) are non-constant polynomials with integer coefficients. Secondly, we prove that the finite linear combination of p-adic algebraic numbers and semi-strong p-adic U-numbers belong to A u U . Finally, we prove that if y is a p-adic U-number and y is a semi-strong p-adic U-number, then both y + y and y . y numbers belong to A u U . Moreover, we remark that if y is taken as a p-adic U-number the last statement fails to be true.



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