

Persuasion and Proving Struggle on Advertising

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The technology net which is changing speedly by refreshing itself has a transformation effect on public. The technology adventure that challanges to the age with the dizy speed not only undertakes a spesific role on the consumption manners of public but also effects the societies in cultural, sociologic, economic ways. Advertising messages manipulates the attitudes and behaviours of people, they give promise to feed their needs as it tries to put forth the importance of product within persuasion and proving struggle. On the other hand advertising messages which benefit from the mass media occupies the consumer's minds every passing day. These messages are able to reach to avery large number of people by the help of mass media easily. With the mission of entertaining and informing, the mass media provides the messages to settle in consumer minds for make them standard customers. For the purpose directing the consumers for buying, many proving and persuation technics is being used. in this study the persuasion and proving technics which directs the subcousciences of people will be put forth by analysing the commercials with using the semiotical and socio-psychological theories. At the same time a system has been put forth by dividing the analysed commercials as different parts. The system** which includes person, place, time, back voice, music, function and story, is made widen by adding measure of acts of people and lighting technics.



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