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Abstract (2. Language): 
Today, organizations are nrfMtf hrsıtf Art Ifreır reputation, trustworthiness, sensitivity to corporate and todd issues, charitable activities, social responsibilities, and ethical assets instead of their financial assets such as balance sheets and profit. Therefore; the social responsibility understanding of these organizations should be parallel to their strategies. That's lefiy major corporations worldwide realize their social responsibility efforts within some standards such as ISO 9000 for the quality production, ISO 14000 for environmental responsibility, and SA 3000 for social responsibility standard far corporate activities and corporate life. As the corporations grew locally and internationally, thus increasing their economic and social shares in the markets, transparency, and social responsibility issues became frequently ed As a result, SA 8000 standard gained importance since it enforces ethical obligations, although not legal obligations. In this study, corporations' sincerity in their SR activities will be evaluated within SA 8000 Standard context. This will provide us with the differences between the goals and strategies of public relations techniques being used in SR activities realized as a social task and as a cover-up to Ihe corporations' operation policies. In the first case while responsibility to society | the main objective, in Ihe second ethical issues in PR activities will arise. And finally, by trying to establish a relationship between corporations' social responsibility policies, their campaigns and the conditions of the country within SA 8000 standard's light corporations' campaigns will be evaluated as to whether they are social responsibility activities or advertising and PR efforts aiming to manipulate the audience.



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