
İkinci Yabancı Dil Eğitimi Sorunsalı: İstanbul’daki Özel Okulların İlk Öğretim ve Lise Düzeyinde Yabancı Dil Eğitimine Bir Bakış

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The past decade the private schools in Istanbul both acknowledged and recognized the importance of a second foreign language for the Turkish youth who is eager to find his/her place in the globalized world. Thus, this study explores the problematique of second foreign language teaching in private primary and high schools in Istanbul. To have a better understanding about the subject researched; the paper focuses on its history as well as the reasons behind this recently initiated programme. As a result of following up the previous foreign language teaching programmes and due to the lack of infrastructure of the second foreign language teaching, there have been some mistakes and deficiencies passed onto the second foreign language teaching from the first one’s methods. For this reason, this paper attempts to search the roots of these deficiencies and tries to propose recommendations for improving the newly initiated second foreign language teaching methods and programmes before the deficiencies take roots in them.



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