
Yabancı Dil Olarak İspanyolca Öğretiminde Müziğin Öğretim Aracı Olarak Kullanımı

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Abstract (2. Language): 
It is known that studying Spanish by using songs increases the students’ motivation level and decreases their anxiety during their learning process. By repeating the songs’ lyrics it is being observed that Language Acquisition Device (LAD) which suggested Chomsky, begins to take action and Krashen’s the language acquisition theory eventuates. In this way the acquired knowledge of Spanish gains permanence in students’ minds; and an outstanding increase in their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills is achieved. The article aims to explicate the cognitive phenomenons as Din in the Head and Song-stuck-in-my-head, and to betray the song selection which increases the motivation of Turkish students learning Spanish, and also to present the educators some exercise suggestions which could be applied to students at all levels. Teaching Spanish with songs is efficacious as a cultural communication instrument and also equally noteworty to encode the Spanish language structure in students’ minds. In consideration of all these reasons, studying with Spanish songs shall not be underestimated as a prize or an extra-unit activity, on the contrary they must to be considered as useful lesson contents that must take place in the syllabus.



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Yabancı Dil Olarak İspanyolca Öğretiminde Müziğin Öğretim Aracı Olarak Kullanımı
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