The Definition of The Process of The Areas Taken Out of Forest Boundary and Its Historical Development
Journal Name:
- İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Due to technological developments and population increment, as happens at global level, forestlands in Turkey have been degraded and decreased in terms of both quality and quantityTo prevent forestlands from such decrement a series of legislative measeures have been taken for a long period of time. But, article 2 of the current forest code has posed a controversial issue that leads forest destruction and decrement. To the said article some kinds of forest lands might be taken out of forest boundary, known as article 2-B practice in general, under the condition that lost its forest characteristics and might better be allocated to such kinds of usages as orchard, vineyard, farmland etc. The article has set a time limit starting from October 15, 1961 depending upon the Constitution of 1961 and December 31,1981 based upon the Constitution of 1982 and has been applied to all forestlands since then. As a consequence of such a malpractice about 1.5 million hectares of forestlands have been taken out of forest boundary so far.
Although, the essential purpose of the said practice is to support forest villagers and increase their living conditions by distributing those lands to each villager, the forest areas adjacent to metropolitan areas and tourism centers through the coastal areas have been taken out of forest boundary and allocated to rich, wealthy persons and the companies willing to make tourism investment via constructing luxury hotels and resorts. And thus, the law has been applied to not for the purpose of rural development but to support rich people and companies.
Since the beginning the article 2-B practice, the law has been amended several times and in each case its applicability and its scope have been extended i order to take more lands out of forest boundary. And therefore, the application has still been posing a serious threats to sustainable forest management.
In this study, initially the definition of article 2-B practice shall be made. In the second chapter, its development has been investigated. And the legal problems that such a malpractice has been posing shall be analyzed via legal research methodology and approaches in the end.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Teknolojik gelişmeler ve artan nüfus nedeniyle ülkemizde ormanlar tahrip edilmekte ve bu durum da orman varlığım nitelik ve nicelik bakımından azaltmaktadır.
Bu azalmanın önüne geçmek için ormanlar mevcut yasalarla korunmaktadır. Fakat bu duruma tezat olarak 6831 sayılı Orman Kanununun 2. madde hükümlerine göre orman sınırları dışına çıkarma işlemi uygulanmaktadır. Her ne kadar düzenlemenin amacı, orman köylülerinin desteklenmesi olsa da uygulama orman sınırlarını daraltarak, orman varlığının azalmasına neden olmaktadır.
Orman sınırları dışına çıkarma işlemi uygulamaya başlandığı 1974 yılından günümüze kadar 6831 sayılı Orman Kanunun 2. maddesi bir çok değişikliğe uğramış ve bu işlemin hep farklı koşullar altında gerçekleşmiş olması bugün çok büyük sorun haline gelmiştir.
Çalışmada orman sınırları dışına çıkarma işleminin tanımı yapılarak bu işlemin tarihsel süreci ve bu süreç sonundaki hukuksal sorunlar ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır.
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