
Some Applications of Discrete One Parameter Singular Perturbation Method

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Discrete One Parameter Singular Perturbation Method is extended up to second-order approximation. A third order discrete power system model with two time scales is considered. It is modeled as a one parameter singularly perturbed system. Then Initial Value Problem (IVP) and Boundary Value Problems (BVP) are studied using this Singular Perturbation Method (SPM). SPM consists of an outer series solution and one boundary layer correction (BLC) solution. A boundary layer correction is required to recover the initial conditions lost in the process of degeneration and to improve the solution. SPM is carried out up to second-order approximate solution for the load frequency control (LFC) model of a single area power system for both IVP and BVP. The results are compared with the exact solution. The results substantiate the application.



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Journal of Control Engineering and Technology (JCET)
JCET Vol. 4 Iss. 1 January 2014 PP. 76-81 www.ijcet.org © American V-King Scientific Publish
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