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Abstract (2. Language): 
When primary and elementary education curriculums are examined,seasons are constantly given in the place from the first grade on the Life Science, Social Science and Science and Technology courses. In this study, it was aimed to determine whether seasons are understood by elementary students. 100 eight grade students with various 4 schools from city of Samsun and Ordu from 6 schools in 2010-2011 academic year were included in the study. The study has a qualitative research design, data were collected by two separate data collection method.Firstly, a scale of open-ended questions related to the topic of the seasons were implemented to the students. Then six to each focus group interviews were conducted with students. The obtained datas wereanalyzed using content analysis technique. It was found that there are significant problems on teaching of seasons and students respond to question of seasons through their daily lives they have acquired experience.Despite of processing of seasons many times in primary education, it is concluded that concept of the seasons could not learned by students. As the cause of this situation, it is thought that the teaching methods and techniqueswill provide a more permanent and configure the minds of the students about the teaching of this subject.



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