
Türkiye’deki Cumhuriyet Dönemi İlköğretim Matematik Programlarına Genel Bir Bakış

A General Aspect to the Elementary Mathematics Education Curriculum Programs belonging to the Republican Era in Turkey

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Elementary school mathematics curriculum were improved for effective mathematics teaching and periodically and developed regarding the needs and expectations in Turkish education system were examined in this research. It was aimed to explain to which extend the purposes of these programs and analyze the contents of mathematics lessons. Besides, the knowledge about teaching-learning methods and evaluation subjects are referred. The results of the study revealed that the changes on mathematics education programs before 2005 Mathematics Curriculum Program could not have gone further than focusing on the mathematics content. On the other hand, the mathematics education program carried out in 2005 was far from previous programs regarding its mathematics content. Moreover, it adopted a student-centered approach.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu araştırmada, etkili matematik eğitimi için geliştirilen ve Türkiye’de dönemin ihtiyaç ve beklentilerine uygun olacak şekilde belirli aralıklarla düzenlenerek uygulamaya koyulan ilköğretim matematik öğretim programları incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda, matematik dersi programlarının amaçları açıklanmış ve içeriklerin değerlendirmesine yer verilmiştir. Bu programlarda yer alan öğretme-öğrenme yaklaşım ve durumları ile değerlendirme konularına ilişkin bilgilere değinilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonunda, 2005 yılı öncesindeki matematik dersi programlarında yapılan değişikliklerin içerikle ilgili olmaktan daha öteye gidemediği anlaşılmıştır. 2005 yılı Matematik Dersi Öğretimi Programı’nın ise, içerik açısından uygulanan önceki programlardan oldukça farklı olduğu ve öğrenci merkezli bir yaklaşımı benimsediği görülmüştür.



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Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Yıl 13, Sayı 25, Mart 2013, 71 - 91
Extended Abstract
This research examines periodic improvements and developments of the elementary school mathematics curriculum to promote more effective teaching and meet the needs and expectations of the Turkish education system. It aims to explain to what extent the purpose of these programs has been achieved, and to analyze the contents of mathematics lessons. In addition, knowledge of teaching-learning methods and evaluation subjects are considered. Explanations of these programs are quoted clearly and briefly for teachers, students and researchers studying mathematics.
It is apparent from this research that the 1926 Elementary School Curriculum was the first comprehensive curriculum for elementary school teaching programs in our country, thus adding a new dimension to the education system; that the 1936 Elementary School Curriculum was the first to reflect the views of the new regime; and that the 1948 Elementary School Curriculum was the program that remained in force the longest, continuing in use for 20 years. The 1968 Elementary School Program is considered equally significant in terms of planning for application, students’ acquisition of knowledge, group study, and many innovations such as discussion, judgment and emphasizing the judgment in the process. Finally, it is understood that 2005 Mathematics Curriculum Program differs from previous programs in its underlying philosophy and approach, and it was developed on the basis of international comparisons.
Among the educational programs applied during the period of the republic, the 1968 Mathematics Teaching Program was the one that was monitored after it was put into practice, allowing problems to be corrected in its application, and consequently it survived into the 2000s with amendments made at times. The program amendments made by the 1948 Elementary School Curriculum, however, consisted of teaching the old lessons by the old methods under a new name, although it was one the programs implemented efficiently. The 1968 Elementary School Curriculum Program could not be applied properly because of some problems arising from its implementation. The amendments made by the 1998 Elementary School Curriculum Program went no further than changes in the place of subjects and units. This program caused education to rely on memorizing and become more intensive, and could not contribute to an increase in the number of qualified individuals. As a result, program development efforts before the 2005 Mathematics Curriculum Program could not have gone further than adjusting the content, and while some concepts and expressions such as active
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Yıl 13, Sayı 25, Mart 2013, 71 - 91
student participation, problem-solving skills, and use of activities are found in these programs, it can be seen they adopted the behavioral approach in practice.
The 2005 Mathematics Curriculum Program adopted the concept of eight-year compulsory elementary education and a student-centered structuring philosophy. It differed from previous programs in terms of content, focusing on knowledge, skill, intelligence and manner instead of behavioral expression, and was enriched with activities that transform a teacher-centered education into a student-centered one, accepting process-oriented understanding instead of an end result in assessment and evaluation.
It can be said that implementation of the 2005 Mathematics Curriculum Program in schools, based on the structuring of knowledge in the mind, is on the road to success, but there are some important defects. The necessary conditions for applying the program cannot yet be provided by all schools, so that teachers could not perform their guiding duties properly, or post-application evaluation be carried out effectively. Taking into consideration the personal differences between students, providing a suitable learning environment, offering direction to the teachers, discussing, sharing the knowledge that they have learned and improving the association of school with daily life, could help to overcome these inadequacies in students’ learning.
It would be useful if teachers had sufficient knowledge of the program, and of the philosophy, principles and basis of the structural learning approach, attending seminars, receiving effective and regular in-service training, improving their existing knowledge and creating a suitable learning environment, and using the measuring tools. In conclusion, it is believed that future program development studies should focus on improvements and evaluation of applications in schools.

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