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Abstract (2. Language): 
Purpose of this article the resistance to change of the employees in the process of organizational change, in terms of change management is to handle. Made of the literature on the subject, the concepts of change management and resistance to change are examined and focused on the causes to resist and prevention methods its. In addition, in order to manage change successfully, the prevention or elimination of resistance to organizational change, it is necessary matters were discussed. Operating in an ever-changing environment, one of the main problems of today's organizations, to adapt to change. Changes in the general sense, refers to anything to bring one level to another level. Change may be negative as well as positive. Positive change in the development of the organization, methods and processes to become more efficient; negative change also leads to a reduction of organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Positive change in the development of the organization, methods and processes to become more efficient; negative change also leads to a reduction of organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Organizational change, means any change with the organization's various sub-systems and elements that may occur in the relations between them. Organizational change; planned-unplanned, macro-micro, spread over time-sudden, proactive-reactive, active-passive, step-by-step improvement in the form of a radical and wide-narrow, shapes can be realized. Change management, the variable (task, structure, technology, and human-like elements) and the parameters (competitors, international policy, legislation, etc.), organizational objectives, policies and strategic direction, is to manage. One of the most fundamental issues of change management, employee resistance to removal. To prevent the attempted change in the organization, insecurity, doubt, delay or prevent changes, such as the behavior of employees, is called resistance to change. Eliminate resistance to change, is the most difficult stage of the process of change. Resistance individual, group or organizational level may occur. In the change process, employees exhibit different reactions to the changes. These reactions, active-passive, positive and negative, such as can be, resistance may be open or hidden. Employees show resistance to change, may occur in a variety of ways. Are willing to change with accepting in full, it refused to leave the organization, represents the behavior of the two extremes; acceptance, indifference, passive resistance and active resistance was determined in four resistance area. People do not want to leave the settled habits and do not want to change the existing order and existing conditions, to resist change. On the other hand the individual, are forced to adapt to the new conditions brought about the change and individuals who are face to face with the possibility of losing the economic and social opportunities, show resistance to the change. Causes of resistance; as reasons economic, social, psychological and rational, can be collected to four groups. One of the basic conditions for successful change management; organizational change of undertaken in order to ensure the effectiveness, to prevent resist. Of resistance to change, in order to reach a size that interfere with the success of the change or eliminated altogether resistance or resistance should be reduced as much as possible. Change management process, in order to reduce the organization to resist may occur, referenced methods are: Communication and education, participation and support, negotiation and compromise-making, threat and oppression, manipulation and kooptasyon, change planning and practice implementation, forecasting methods and economic stimulus measures. Several methods can be used together to prevent resist organizational change. Even some of these methods may not be used with good results in preventing the resist organizational change. Because these methods are methods that are complementary and mutually supportive. In addition to being open in the organization of communication channels, employees should be prepared with method of training to the process of change and their participation in this process needs to be supported. On the other hand is to plan change one of the imperatives of this process. Because, often fail that the work unplanned. In addition to be estimated of the difficulties arising in the process of change, employees in the change process to be motivated by economic stimulus measures at least as important as the above-mentioned methods. To avoid resistance to change in the current circumstances and individual characteristics must be taken into account. On the other hand the process of removing or blocking resistance, positive methods should be applied primarily to gain employees. However, in the absence of the possibility of applying a method other than the use of force to resist change can be prevented. This method is used particularly in cases where immediate change. But it is a risky method, especially as a result of force against leaders negative feelings may change. Resistance to change, effective and efficient use of resources by preventing the mesh leads to the failure of change management. If you are not removed disappear within a short span of organizational resistance, organization, organizational change, rather than a large part of the energy to resist forced to spend the problems engendered. Thus, a failure can result in organizational change management.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu makalenin amacı; örgütsel değişim sürecinde çalışanların değişime gösterdikleri direnci, değişim yönetimi bakımından ele almaktır. Konuyla ilgili literatür taraması yapılmış ve değişim yönetimi ile değişime direnme kavramları incelenmiş, direnmenin nedenleri ve önleme yöntemleri detaylandırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu bağlamda değişimi başarıyla yönetebilmek için örgütsel değişime direncin engellenmesi ya da ortadan kaldırılması gerektiği hususu üzerinde durulmuştur. Değişim bütün örgütlerin temel sorunları arasında yer almakta olup, değişmeyen örgütlerin hayatta kalma şansları yoktur. Bu nedenle örgütler değişimi başarılı bir biçimde gerçekleştirmek zorundadırlar. Ancak, çalışanlar değişime çeşitli nedenlerle (ekonomik, sosyolojik, psikolojik ve rasyonel) direnç gösterirler. Değişime direnç, örgüsel kaynakların etkin ve verimli kullanılmasını engelleyerek değişim yönetiminin başarısızlığına yol açmaktadır. Bu nedenle değişim yönetiminin başarısı için öncelikle çalışanların değişime karşı gösterdikleri direncin giderilmesi gerekir. Bunun için öncelikle konu örgütsel değişim planlarında ele alınmalı ve muhtemel direnç nedenleri ve alınacak tedbirler detaylandırılmalıdır. Örgütsel değişimin başarısı için planlama yeterli olmamakla birlikte zorunlu bir unsurdur. Değişime direnci önlemek için; eğitim ve iletişim, katılım ve destekleme, pazarlık ve taviz verme, tehdit ve baskı, manipülasyon ve kooptasyon, değişimi planlama ve deneme amaçlı uygulama, ekonomik teşvik tedbirleri ve tahmin yöntemlerinden yararlanılabilir. Kullanılacak yöntem ya da yöntemler duruma çalışanların bireysel özelliklerine göre değişebilir. Değişim sürecinde daha az direnç ve sorunla karşılaşmak için çalışanların eğitilmesi ve değişime önceden hazırlanması gerekir. Örgütsel değişim ancak çalışanların katılımı ve desteklemesiyle başarılabilir. Değişim yönetiminin başarısı direnç sebeplerinin ortadan kaldırılmasıyla mümkündür. Eğer örgütsel direnç kısa bir sürede içinde ortadan kaldırılmazsa; örgüt, enerjisinin büyük bir bölümünü örgütsel değişim yerine, direnmenin doğurduğu sorunlara harcamak zorunda kalır. Böylece örgütsel değişim yönetimi başarısızlıkla sonuçlanabilir.



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