Robot Teachers in the Foreign Language Teaching
Journal Name:
- Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
After robots were used in many fields successfully, it was thought that
these systems could be used in education sciences and especially for foreign language education
and it could meet necessities of this field and then they started to design robot teachers with this
purpose. Today, the countries such as USA, Japan, and South Korea are making important
studies in this area. Even if the point reached at the desired level, it is undeniable that these
studies opened a new horizon for the field.
Today technological innovations are quickly advancing and scientists seeking different ways of
information are trying to design machines and tools that can present information especially in a
faster, more efficient and excited way. Robots equipped with artificial intelligence systems are
the main examples of machines designed with this purpose. Scientists who want to make
contributions to children‘s development by using correct technologies are utilizing robots they
programmed with this purpose in many fields, mainly in foreign language education.
Today many science branches are meeting their requirements with robots and obtaining
extremely successful results. Robots are used in many fields from industrial production to
health, space research to agriculture, defence industry to cinema. After robots were successfully
used in many fields, it was thought that these systems could be used in education sciences and
especially for foreign language education field and it could meet the requirements of this field.
Robot teachers can take role of teachers in class and make necessary repetitions students need
during educations which are necessary to realize education process, can give suitable feedbacks
and reinforces, and develop correct reactions according to results of student behaviours. Also
they can realize an education activity suitable for educational purpose by considering student
properties such as motivation, tendency, learning strategies, learning types, age and
First of all robot teachers include computer softwares and interact with students thanks to their
softwares. Most important one of these softwares is the Face Recognition system. These systems
analyzes eyebrows, eyes, chins, lips and such facial properties and saves to database with a
biometric coding method. Robot follows students via a video camera mounted on face section,
analyzes their mimics immediately and provides necessary feedbacks. Another software is
Speech Recognition system. This system analyzes auditory signals with purpose of identifying
said words and saves to database with a biometric coding method like the other one. System
perceives the voice, understands what the student says and gives necessary feedbacks.
Robot teachers can create high level interactive environments by improving skills of writing,
reading, understanding what you hear and skill of understanding what you read which are
targets of foreign language education field to improve, with many other technological contents
they have, and can enrich education life. High level interactive environments should be created
for students attend classes more effective and more willing. Taking interest and drawing
attention, robot teachers can help students to attend classes more effectively and more willing.
Robot teachers can give students linguistic skills needed by them imitating the real-life
situations. In the traditional classroom environment, during the learning, teacher uses a number
of methods such as representation, oral instruction, clues and gestures then provides feedback
that contains the necessary corrections, allows learning to take place making additional
impressions if it need.In addition, in foreign language teaching, it is a fact accepted by educationalist that education
by teachers who speak the target language as a mother tongue is one of the most effective
methods. But to find the native speaking teachers is difficult and costly. Therefore, the
possibilities offered by computers and the Internet are often referred to. Video,
teleconferencing, online applications and computer software are some of them. Together with
these, it is recognized that it will be obtained positive results from education made using robots.
In particular, it is believed that more accurately taught basic communicative features such as
correct pronunciation, correct intonation and the representation of gestures and facial
expressions accompanying conversation.
In this study firstly systems owned by robots are mentioned and then the properties a machine
must have in order to be regarded as a robot are explained. Then three robot examples are
selected among robot teachers designed with foreign language education purpose, they are
introduced by explaining their properties and their interactivity with the students. Also the
ways and angles how robot teachers support the skills, which are planned to be improved by
foreign language education field, are tried to be explained.
Literature review and sampling method is used in the study. Acquired data was interpreted
once again by making comparison with sources to obtain interesting, informative and useful
results from obtained data and conclusion sentences were obtained. Also data was supported
with references that put forward its methodology or that criticize the study depending on
development and importance of study in the field.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Robotların birçok alanda başarılı bir şekilde kullanılmasıyla birlikte, bu sistemlerin eğitim bilimlerinde
ve özellikle de yabancı dil öğretim alanında da kullanılabileceği ve bu alanın gereksinimlerini
karşılayabileceği düşünülmüş ve bu amaçla robot öğretmenler tasarlanmaya başlanmıştır. Bugün ABD,
Japonya, Güney Kore gibi ülkeler bu alanda önemli çalışmalar yapmaktadırlar. Her ne kadar gelinen nokta
istenilen düzeyde olmasa bile bu çalışmaların alana yeni bir ufuk açtığı inkâr edilemez. Günümüzde çeşitli
amaçlar için kullanılan birçok makine ve alet robot olarak nitelendirilmektedir. Fakat bir makinenin robot
olabilmesi için bazı özelliklere sahip olması gerekmektedir. Robotun ses, renk, ışık, konum gibi dış dünyadan
bazı algılamaları yapabilmesine olanak sağlayacak Algılama Sistemine, elde ettiği verileri bağımsız olarak
yorumlayabilmesi ve bunun sonucuna göre davranış geliştirebilmesine imkân verecek Sensörlere, amaca
yönelik işlemleri gerçekleştirmesine olanak sağlayacak Efektörlere ihtiyacı vardır. Ayrıca robotun bir hareket
sistemine ve kontrolü sağlayacak olan elektronik bir beyne sahip olması gerekir. Bunlarla birlikte bilim
insanları robot öğretmen tasarımındaki amaçlarının öğretmenlerin yerini alacak bir makine üretmek
olmadığını doğru teknoloji ile öğrencinin gelişimine katkıda bulunmak olduğunu ifade etmektedirler.
Yardımcı birer araç olarak kullanılması planlanan bu makineler ile doğru telaffuz, doğru tonlama ve
konuşmaya eşlik eden jest ve mimiklerin gösterimi gibi temel iletişimsel özelliklerin daha doğru bir şekilde
öğretilebileceği düşünülmektedir. Biz de çalışmamızda robot öğretmenlerin ne şekilde tasarlandıkları ve
öğrencilerle etkileşimlerinin nasıl gerçekleştiği üzerinde durduk. Robotları üç farklı kategoriye ayırdık ve her
kategori için birer örnek sunarak bilgileri somutlaştırılmaya çalıştık.
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