
Creative Meanings within the Context of an Advertising Campaign

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This article approaches the cultural psychology to interpret the semiosis of a concept used within the communication of an organization by considering the interactions among persons and culture mediated by a creative product. It deals with the creative potential from the dialogical style of lay thinking in the generation of new meanings. As lay thinking and social creativity are concepts related with the social representations theory, the article considers social representations as potential constraints to semiosis processes. The interpretation of the campaign argument is based on concepts such as text, from the culture semiotics in the molds of the Russian features, and it occurs from the approach to the non-text or narrative contrary to the campaign description. The results show the ambiguous creative action of re-significance of a concept within the external organizational context and consequent actions for its adaptation features.



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Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies
Volume: 3 – Issue: 4 – October - 2013
© Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies 42
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