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Abstract (2. Language): 
Organized erime is presently one of the most serious security threats to demoeratic K_S institutions, the rule of law, community welfare, and basic values and norms. A corrupt socieiy ravaged by greed, violence and lavvlessness does not allow the flourishing of a demoeratic, stable civilization and of a peaceful world. This menace represented by emerging fornıs of organised erime goes well beyond nationalpoliçe and domestic concerns. It goes to the heart of what is demoeracy, development and security. Conceivably, the most prominent causes of organized erime lie in the political strueture of host countries. Accordingly, state apparatus plays a significant role for the existance and level of organized erime. Organized erime groups in both developed and developing demoeracies seek to corrupt high-level government officials both on the groups' home turf and in the countries where they operate. But these groups are often more effective when their efforts are condueted in nation-states tlıat are in political turmoil, because the constitutional institutions do not yet funetion as they do in a stable demoeracy. ıherefore, 'state struetures' and 'state-society relations' are essential factors falarising and longevity of organized erime groups.



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