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Abstract (2. Language): 
The purpose of the research was to analyse students’ behaviour in choosing a distance learning program at Universitas Terbuka (UT), Indonesia, using the theory of planned behaviour model developed by Fishbein and Ajzen (1975). The respondents of the research were 102 students from 3 Regional Offices of Jakarta, Malang and Kupang, representing different area and size. The structural equation model was used to test models and hypotheses in the study. The findings of the study show significant influence of subjective norm on the students’ intentional behaviour to choose distance learning programs. Another important finding of this research is that behavioural norms significantly influence the students’ decision making behaviour in choosing distance learning programs. Findings of this study improve understanding of how distance students make decision in choosing distance learning programs and provide information to distance education institutions on how to best meet the needs and improve services to distance students. It also helps distance education institutions encourage the development of learning communities that can enhance social marketing of distance education programs.



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