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Abstract (2. Language): 
The contemporary world, developments, changes, transformations, globalization, information and communication technologies developments, diversification of the educational environment and life-long education to become compulsory in education, learning-teaching process efficiency and effectiveness in their discussion raises, while the educational technology, the concept was put forward. With the concept of educational technology and communication technologies bigi be used effectively in the field of education has become compulsory. Next to this case, the individual's formal education at any time and anywhere access to educational programs that allow participation distance education has led to the need to. In today‘s world rapidly changing, evolving and increasingly complex area of a state health care services, nursing education from the issuing institution, advanced human and professional members of the advanced characteristics and has adopted the lifelong development of nurses are required to have graduated. Resources in this direction was examined, the distance education of nurses after graduation various vocational courses, certificate programs until completion and graduate degree (master and PhD) education in maintaining the successful results to indicate. Therefore, distance education, nursing education to university level upgrade accelerated nursing education experienced in the quality-quantity to the solution of the problem, the continuity of nursing education and contribute to the professional will provide a large group of educational opportunities will be taken into consideration must be considered and appropriate studies, arrangements should be made.



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