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Abstract (2. Language): 
1. Introduction Throughout their lives, individuals face many issues regarding undetermination and need to make a choice. In addition to providing a solution for the existence of a problem, this choice is made in order to make a selection between two or more options, or to make predictions for the future. At the end of the process, individuals are to choose the most accurate and harmless option in their way (Kökdemir, 2003). This choosing process is named as “decision making”. There are many definitions for “decision making” in literature.Kalaycı (2001) defines it as the process of choosing one of the alternatives in the flow of events forcing individuals to decide. Köse (2002) defines it as choosing the option seen as the most appropriate among the possible alternatives depending on the potential and the circumstances on hand in order to reach a goal and Kuzgun (2006), defines it as heading for one of the options when there are more than one roads leading to an object thought to meet a need. 2, The Goal of the Study This study aims to examine the self-respect level of primary pre-service teachers in decision-making and their decision-making styles with regards to variable factors. With this aim, the following problem cases are answered: 1. What are the self-respect level of pre-service teachers in decision-making and their decision-making styles? 1.1. Do the self-respect level ofpre-service teachers and their decision-making styles considerably change based on “sex” factor? 1.2. Do the self-respect level ofpre-service teachers and their decision-making styles considerably change based on “class” factor? 1.3. Do the self-respect level ofpre-service teachers and their decision-makingstyles considerably change based on “monthly personal expenses” factor? 1.4. Do the self-respect level of pre-service teachers and their decision-making styles considerably change based on “income level of the family” factor? 1.5. Do the self-respect level ofpre-service teachers and their decision-making styles considerably change based on “the family’s place of residence” factor? 1.6. Do the self-respect level of pre-service teachers and their decision-makingstyles considerably change based on “family structure” factor?1.7. Do the self-respect level ofpre-service teachers and their decision-making styles considerably change based on “parents’ level of education” factor? 1.8. Do the self-respect level of pre-service teachers and their decision-makingstyles considerably change based on “parents’ job status” factor? 2. Is there a relationship between the self-respect level of pre-service teachers and their decision-making styles? 3. Methodology 3.1. Style of the Study The survey style was used in this study. 3.2. Participants The population of this study consists of 600 pre-service teachers studying elementary education at Education Faculty of Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University in 2013-2014 school year. The samples of the study consist of 300 pre-service teachers attending the research voluntarily. However, when incompletely coded data are eliminated. The number of evaluated pre-service teachers is decreased to 343. 3.3. Data Collection Tools 4. Discussion and Conclusion It was seen that the self-respect level of participant pre-service teachers in decision-making was generally high. It was seen that pre-service teachers attending the study mostly preferred “careful decision-making style” among decision-making styles. The self-respect levels of participant pre-service teachers in decision-making and their careful, delaying and alarmed decision makingstyles do not considerably change based on “sex” factor. Nevertheless, the averages of male students are more than those of female students in avoidant decision making style. Namely, it can be said that sex factor do not generally affect decision making levels and styles of the students. Avşaroğlu (2007) determined in his study that there was not a considerable difference between the sex factor and the self-respect levels in decision-making. Besides, Deniz (2002), Köse (2002), Sinangil (1992) and Taşdelen (2002) reached similar results. This result can be explained with female students’ ability to improve their self-confidence level in decision making, say what they think, realize their desire for being independent more easily especially in the university atmosphere while making a decision as much as male students do. However, Taşgit (2012), Candangil and Ceyhan (2006) reached in their researches that the self-respect levels of male students in decision making were higher than those of female students. Additionally, Taşgit (2012) found in his study that levels of careful and alarmed decision making did not considerably change based on sex factor. However, he determined that there was a considerable difference in the levels of delaying and avoidant decision making. These results can be interpreted as university students’ avoidance of being hasty and slack while taking a step in decision making and their awareness about their responsibilities. In the research by Titrek, Konak and Titrek (2013), the points that participants took for the careful decision making style considerably differentiated based on “sex”. It was seen that male participants had higher points than female participants. Similarly, female participants’ points regarding the avoidant decision making aspect were considerably different from those of male ones. Based on sex factor, there could not be found a reasonable difference for delaying and alarmed aspects in decision making. The self-respect levels of participant pre-service teachers in decision-making and their decision-making styles, except the avoidant and delaying ones, do not considerably change based on “class” factor.Taşgit (2012) determined in his study that there was not reasonable differentiation between the self-respect level of decision making based on class factor and careful decision making levels. However, it was seen in the same research that there was considerable differentiation in the 3rd graders between avoidant and delaying decision makingstyles based on “class” factor. According to Avşaroğlu and Üre (2007); while the self-respect point averages of university students in decision making considerably changed based on the factor “class they study in”, it was determined that their decision making style point averages were not considerably different It is seen that the self-respect level of pre-service teachers in decision making considerably changes based on “personal expenses” factor. Besides, only the alarmed decision making style among decision making styles considerably changes based on personal expenses factor because p<0,05. Considering this fact, personal monthly expenses of university students are determinant in their decision making process. The self-respect levels of pre-service teachers in decision making and their decision making styles do not considerably change based on parents’ level of income. It can be said based on this result that the level of income is not determinant in the self-respect in decision making and decision making styles. The self-respect level of participant pre-service teachers in decision-making and their decision making styles do not considerably change based on “the family’s place of residence” factor. Moreover, Avşaroğlu and Üre (2007) reached the result that university students’ self-respect level in decision-making and their average points of decision-making styles do not considerably change based on the factor “place where they spent most of their time. Based on this result, it can be said that the settlement factor is not determinant in the self-respect in decision-making and decision-making styles. The self-respect level of participant pre-service teachers in decision-making and their decision making styles do not considerably change based on family structure factor. It can be said based on this result that individuals’ family structure is not determinant in the self-respect in decision-making and decision-making styles. The self-respect level of participant pre-service teachers in decision-making and their decision making styles do not considerably change based on parents’ level of education factor. Moreover, Taşgit (2012) reached the result in his study that mother’s level of education did not create considerable difference in the self-respect in decision-making and decision-making styles. Nevertheless, it was seen in the same study that father’s level of education created considerable difference in the self-respect level in decision-making. It was seen that the self-respect level of participant pre-service teachers in decision-making and their decision making styles did not considerably change based on parents’ job status factor. Only in delaying decision making style, it was seen that there occurred a reasonable difference based on father’s job status factor. Based on this finding, it can be said that parents’ job status is not determinant in the self-respect levels and styles in decision making. Finally, it was seen in the study in which the self-respect level of participant pre-service teachers in decision-making and their decision making styles were compared that there was a positive and moderately reasonable connection between pre-service teachers’ self-respect levels in decision making and the careful decision making levels of theirs. It was also seen that there was a negative and moderately reasonable connection between pre-service teachers’ self-respect levels in decision making and delaying, avoidant and alarmed decision making styles. Based on this result, it can be said that with the increment of the self-respect levels of pre-service teachers in decision making, while their levels of careful decision making style usage is increasing, their levels of delaying, avoidant and alarmed decision making styles usage is decreasing. In conclusion, the result that being provided support in terms of finance is important for the increment of the self-respect level of pre-service teachers in decision making can be achieved. It was seen that other factors regarding the study are also determinant in the self-respect levels and decision making styles; but they do not create a significant difference. It is taught that similar studies conducted in different universities and departments will let us reach more determinant findings in the self-respect level in decision making and decision making style usage. Besides, it should not be ignored that raising high self-respect level pre-service teachers who can carefully make their own decisions can be determinant in the self-respect levels and decision making styles of the next generation.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışmanın amacı öğretmen adaylarının karar vermede özsaygı ve karar verme stillerinin incelenmesidir. Bu amaçla tarama modelinde bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın evrenini Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Sınıf Öğretmenliği Bölümünde öğrenim gören öğrenciler oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmanın örneklemini ise bu evren içinden tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 343 öğretmen adayı oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada veri toplama amacıyla araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan kişisel bilgi formu ve Melbourne Karar Verme Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde SPSS 16.0 paket programından faydalanılarak KolmogorovSmirnov Normallik Testi, Mann Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis ve Spearman Korelasyon Testi kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi sonucunda öğretmen adaylarının karar vermede öz saygı düzeylerinin yüksek olduğu, dikkatli karar verme stilleri puanının diğer karar verme stillerinden yüksek olduğu, cinsiyet, sınıf, ailenin gelir düzeyi, ailenin yaşadığı yer, aile yapısı, anne-babanın eğitim durumu ve anne-babanın iş durumu değişkenlerine göre p<0,05 düzeyinde genelde farklılaşmadığı; aylık kişisel gider değişkeninin karar vermede özsaygı düzeyleri üzerinde anlamlı farklılık oluşturduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca öğretmen adaylarının karar vermede özsaygı düzeyleri ile dikkatli karar verme stili arasında pozitif orta düzeyde; kaçıngan, erteleyici ve panik karar verme stilleri ile negatif yönlü orta düzeyde anlamlı ilişki olduğu görülmüştür.



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1052 A. Halim ULAŞ – Cevdet EPÇAÇAN – Cahit EPÇAÇAN - Büşra KOÇAK
Turkish Studies
International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic
Volume 10/3 Winter 2015
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