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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study, the following fundamental language teaching methods – the Grammar-Translation Method, the Direct Method, the Audio-lingual / Lingual Method, the Cognitive Method, the Communicative Method and the Eclectic / Active Method - were first examined and explained theoretically. Then, we prepared a topic, chosen from French as a foreign language, for teaching according to these rules. Bearing in mind the possible behaviour of teachers and students, the results of our study showed precisely and conclusively that there is no single method from amongst the language teaching methods that will lead always to student achievement. In French, in teaching the personal pronouns and the conjugation of the present form of the verb 'être' (to be), the Grammar-Translation method proved successful in terms of writing, reading and grammar, but inadequate in respect of pronunciation, listening and speaking skills. When teaching the same subjects by the Direct Method, we observed that the students used the target language to gain linguistic practice, benefitted from visual aids, and did exercises to consolidate the subject, but that preparatory instruments for the subject (passages, conversation, listening tracks, etc.) were insufficient for the students, because it was not clear in the preparatory phase what should be done and under what circumstances. In the Audio-lingual Method more importance is given to the conversation. In particular, at the start of classes, the method is always structured around listening to a conversation. In this context, when we take into account the development of the student's listening and speaking skills, we can say that these are contributed to in a positive way. However, other skills (writing, reading) were left to develop subsequently. However far the Cognitive Method, which relies upon psychological evaluation and inferences about student behaviour, targets acquisition rather than teaching theories, and in its language teaching approach relies upon the creation of holistic and meaningful linguistic relations; in our study too, with students learning to understand the rules of the foreign language by this method, just the idea developed from new learning combined with earlier learning, may produce different results in each student. Thus, the linguistic rules expected to be learned by a beginner in the language within in a certain period may be forgotten within that period or later. When the assumption, in a model lesson according to the Communicative Approach, that the teacher should not play a central role is examined it proves to be a contradiction in itself. When we consider that the teacher, who starts the lesson after some preliminary orientation steps, is the person who ensures that students communicate amongst themselves and at the same time with him or herself, we can say that this is not, particularly in this respect, so far from teacher-centred teaching. Evaluation of our sample of this method, shows that giving all of the rules of grammar through content, without separate attention and without putting sufficient emphasis on writing skills, will be make it more difficult to teach more advanced and difficult subjects. When we come to the Eclectic / Active Method, we see that this method is a synthesis of methods, or a system, which may change depending upon the circumstances of the student, class, and teacher, and on many factors. In this context, Tunçel (2014) put forward views which supported the eclectic method, saying that teachers should not behave conservatively in selecting methods and practices, and that they should select methods and techniques appropriate to the course content. In schools where several teachers teach the same foreign language, this method, which fundamentally leaves the choice of any language teaching method or mixed methodology to the teacher depending upon the circumstances of the students, may result in considerable variation in views and practices. Learning the foreign language in different ways may also cause much confusion in areas such as the priority given by the teacher to the development of the expected linguistic skills, or student behaviour. Foreign language teaching, we believe, requires observation of the current students’ linguistic behaviour in the language classroom before staring to teach the language; the taking of preparatory measures for the linguistic processes; the creation an appropriate teaching environment on this basis; the use of diverse materials; the implementation of multiple methods; and the continuous monitoring of social and psychological conditions. In short, it is a phenomenon that can be realised through a multifaceted preparatory phase and a patient teaching process.
Abstract (Original Language): 
XIX. ve XX. yüzyıllardaki dilbilim, psikoloji, sosyoloji, felsefe ve eğitimbilim alanlarındaki çalışma ve gelişmeler bir takım dil öğretim yöntemlerinin de ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Bu yöntemler çoğu zaman birbirlerine karşıt yaklaşımlar sonucunda üretilmiş olsa da her bir yöntemin oluşum evresi aslında ait olduğu dönemin siyasal yapı ve gereksinimleriyle oldukça yakından ilgilidir. Bu bağlamda, dil öğretim yöntemleri arasında Dilbilgisi – Çeviri Yöntemi Orta Çağda Latince olarak yazılan İncil’in öğretilmesi; İşitsel – Dilsel Yöntem Amerikalı askerlerin yabancı dil öğrenmeleri için geliştirilen yöntemlerdendir. Öte yandan, II. Dünya savaşından sonra uluslararası iletişim dili olarak görülmeye başlanan İngiliz-Amerikan dil yayılmacılığına karşı Fransızcanın yabancı dil olarak öğretiminin amaçlandığı İşitsel – Görsel Yöntem geliştirilmiştir. Buradan hareketle, yabancı dil öğretimine yönelik yaklaşımların ve yöntemlerin tarihsel gereksinimler temelinde geliştirildiğini söyleyebiliriz. Yabancı dil öğretim yöntemleri sadece gereksinimler temelinde geliştirilmemiş aynı zamanda kendinden önceki yöntemin de genelde alternatifi olarak görülmüştür. Kuramlarla oluşan bu yöntemler, kendi dönemlerinde bir yere kadar kullanılabilmiş daha sonraki dönemlerde ise uygulama sorunu çıkması ve öğrenciden beklenen olumlu dilsel dönütün yeterince alınamaması nedeniyle ilerleyen dönemlerde yerini öğrencilerin, dil öğretim ortamının, kullanılan araç-gereçlerin durumuna göre karma öğretim yöntemlerine bırakmıştır. Günümüzde tek bir dil öğretim yönteminin tercih edilmesi beraberinde birçok sorunu gündeme getirmiştir. Bu sorunların başında öğrenciden beklenen dört temel dil becerisinin (dinleme, anlama, konuşma, yazma) gelişmemesidir. Yabancı dil öğreticilerinin temel görevinin bu dört dilsel becerinin öğrencide yeterince oluşturulmasını ve yerleştirilmesini sağlamak gerektiğinden yola çıkarak yaptığımız bu çalışmada sorunun yaklaşım ve seçilen yöntemden kaynaklandığı düşündük. Bu amaçla söz konusu dil öğretim yöntemlerini olabildiğince inceledikten sonra her bir yöntem sonunda yabancı dil Fransızcadan seçtiğimiz belli bir konunun öğretilmesini bu yöntemlerle uyguladık.