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- Turkish Studies
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Abstract (2. Language):
Many different definitions of the value can be found as many scientists from different fields make researchs on the subject of the value which affects people’s feelings, thoughts and behaviors. Some of these definitions are as follows: The values are all ideas, behaviors, rules and precious things which may be from divine, ideological, human or social origin and which are accepted, adopted and lived by people (Çavdarci, 2002: 1). According to Avcıoğlu (2011), the values are the criteria adopted by members of the community and that allow to distinguish good from evil, right from wrong and which is desirable from which is not desirable. The values that are the basis of social norms and rules and that allow to prefer a situation in relation to another, have many roles.
By stating what sould be done and what should not be done, values are based on social assessment, ethics and beliefs and commonly adopted by people, that is why values are the significant points that allow the continuity of the society and its dynamics. (Author, 2014: 103, Ceyhan, 2012, Gomleksiz, 2009). Increasing violence in the world in recent times, massive corruption, the events which allow injustice are the indicators that show us the values are seriously about to be lost in our social life.
In the world of today in the process of change and development, the teachers recognize that it is difficult to raise young people capable of adapting itself to these changes without losing their identity (Elbir ve Bağcı, 2013) . It is the responsibility of the teachers to educate individuals capable of producing new values and correcting their behavior according to these values ( Cihan, 2014). The primary school teachers have an important place in the world of the feelings and the ideas of students and they have a considerable impact in the acquisition of the values. In this research, the situation of the loss of the values is investigated by the eyes of teachers. In this sense, values are intended to gain a different perspective on education.
This research - whose aim is to reveal the missing values according to the opinions of teachers or the values which are about to be lost- is trying to highlight the existing situation. In this sense, the method used is survey model which is one of quantitative research methods. Scan type is commonly used in the research of social sciences and large masses (gender, age, income level, level of study) which is the subject of the study in order to determine their characteristics (Can, 2014: 8). The research tries to determine the situations of the loss of values in social life. To this end, the questionnaire has been prepared after analysing of local and foreign literature and also after asking the views of experts. In this questionnaire, the values classified by Spanger, Schwarts, Rokeach and Acat Aslan and the educational values determined by Girgin are listed and the loss of these values in social life is classified by a triple way. Data obtained through surveys is transferred to a computer in order to be analyzed by the package program of SPSS for windows 16,0. Data analysis was carried out for the following statistical operations.
Concerning the situation of the loss of the values, the opinions of the primary school teachers are determined by taking into account the sex of the teachers, the place of their employment, their seniority, type of school of their latest graduate, the newspapers they follow and their birthplace.
To determine the state of the loss of the values, the used methods are the frequency and percentage methods. Besides, in order to determine whether there is a significant difference and in order to compare the opinions about the loss of the values by taking into consideration the variables like gender, seniority, job location, type of school of the latest graduate, the followed newspapers and the birthplace, chi square test was applied and for the significance level, 0.05 is selected.
43.8 % of the primary school teachers having participated in this research think that the value of justice is lost and 45 % of them consider that it is about to be disappeared. 37.3% of the teachers estimate that the value of fairness is lost and 52.4% think that it is about to be disappeared; 41.3% of them think that the value of being open to criticism is lost and 48.4% think that it is about to be disappeared; 40.9% think that the value of empathy is lost and 45.3 % of them consider that it is about to be disappeared; 34.6% think that the value of respect for labor is lost and 52.5 % of them consider that it is about to be disappeared. 29.6 % of the primary school teachers having participated in this research think that the value of honesty is lost and 61.5 % of them consider that it is about to be disappeared; 36.8% think that the value of thriftily is lost and 50% think that it is about to be disappeared; 24% think that the value of respect is lost and 60.3% think that it is about to be disappeared; 23.6% think that the value of neighborhood is lost and 60.1% think that it is about to be disappeared.
20.4 % of the primary school teachers having participated in this research think that the value of tolerance is lost and 61.6 % of them consider that it is about to be disappeared; 21.7% think that the value of compassion is lost and 56.6 % of them consider that it is about to be disappeared; 67.5% think that the value of solidarity is lost and 16.7% think that it is not lost; 62.3% estimate that the value of being compassionate is lost and 19% think it is still existing and 62.8% think that the value of responsability is lost and 19.4% think that it is not a disappeared value. Once more, 64.3 % of the primary school teachers having participated in this research think that the value of helpfulness is lost and 20.3 % of them consider that it is not lost; 53.9% think that the value of hospitality is lost and 28.7% think that it is not a disappeared value. According to the results of this research, 46.8 % of the primary school teachers having participated in this research think that the value of being tidy is lost and 44 % of them consider that it is about to be disappeared; 47.6% think that the value of being scientific is not lost and 35% think that it is a value which is about to be disappeared.
Moreover, the results concerning the opinion of the primary school teachers for the disappearance of the values contain differences when analyzing according to the different variables such as the sex, the workplace, the seniority in the job, the school of diploma, the followed newspapers and the place of birth.
According to the findings obtained from this study, the primary school teachers think that the values of justice, fairness, openness to criticism and empathy are almost lost in the social life. In addition to these results, tha majority of them think that the values such as thriftily, respect for labor, ethic acts, honesty, generosity, benevolence, compassion, solidarity, compassionate, forgiveness and apologize, responsibility, pacifism, thrifty, participation in the moments of happiness and sadness, charity, hospitality are the values which are about to be disappeared. Hasırcı (2008) think that it is because of the nepotism in the political life, bribery, extortion, embezzlement, favor, revealing of secrets and so on that these values are about to be degenerated. Also, the develoment of the individual interests and the degredation of general interest, the growth of luxury consumption, the increase and expansion of unfair earnings without efforts, unsatisfaction, instead of reaching the target by working hard, making efforts to reach this target by a shorter, easier and unethical way, may result in the loss of traditional values.
In the study done by Acat and Aslan (2012) whose purpose is the classification of the values, the values such as responsibility, honesty, benevolence, justice and being clean and immaculate are classified in the category of traditional and conservative values. According to the data obtained from the research, these values which are about to be disappeared reveal the negative effects of globalization on our culture. Besides, the values like hospitality, thriftily, being forgiving, grateful, polite, compassionate and generous took their place in the category of social values. The fact that these values are about to be disappeared according to the results of the research could be interpreted as a negative situation in terms of our social and community togetherness.
• To make the values live in our society, the program of every court has to contain certain values and activities for the apprenticeship of these values.
• In order to make the values live in our daily life, we should teach the values from primary school to higher education, values education should be included in the training. Besides, people, while doing business and services, should take part in the activities for teaching values.
• The teaching of the values should be included in training programs as well as in formal programs so as to make the values live in our life.• in order to make the values live in our life, training should be provided to families.
• To make the values live, activities for the open-mindedness have to take place during the courts from the nursery school.
• The media have to pay attention on broadcasts as regards the values, they do not have to make opposite broadcasts in the values included in the program of the education.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Değerler bir toplumun birlik ve beraberliğini sağlayan önemli dinamiklerden biridir. Çeşitli ülkelerde ve ülkemizde artan adli vakalar, aile yapısının bozulması, cinayetler, hırsızlık, yolsuzluk, irtikap, zimmete para geçirme, adaletsizlik, haksızlık, adam kayırma, hoşgörüsüzlük, eleştiriye kapalı olma, empati yapmama, eleştirel düşünme eksikliği gibi durumlar, değerlerin toplumsal yaşamda ciddi anlamda aşınmaya uğradığını göstermektedir. Bu anlamda araştırmada değerlerin kaybolma durumları sınıf öğretmenlerinin görüşleri dikkate alınarak değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır.
Araştırmada kullanılan anketteki değerler Spanger, Schwartz, Rokeach ile Acat-Aslan tarafından sınıflandırılan ve ilgili literatürde yer alan değerlerdir. Değerlerin kaybolma durumlarını belirlemek için, frekans ve yüzde alma tekniği kullanılmıştır. Bunun yanında değerlerin kaybolma durumlarına ilişkin görüşlerin cinsiyet değişkeni, mesleki kıdem, görev yeri, en son mezun olunan okul türü, gazete takibi ve doğum yeri değişkenleri açısından karşılaştırılmasında anlamlı bir farklılığın olup olmadığını belirlemek amacıyla, kay kare testi yapılmış, anlamlılık düzeyi olarak 0,05 seçilmiştir.
Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre adalet, eleştiriye açık olma, empati, adil olma, kanaatkarlık, emeğe saygı, dürüstlük, cömertlik, alçak gönüllülük değerleri araştırmaya katılan öğretmenlerin çok büyük bir bölümü tarafından kaybolmuş ve kaybolmaya yüz tutmuş değerler olarak değer olarak görmektedir.
Araştırma sonuçlarına dayanarak, günlük yaşamda değerlerin yaşaması için okul öncesi eğitimden yüksek eğitime kadar değerler eğitimine yer verilmesi önerilmiştir. Bunun yanında kişiler iş yaparken ve hizmet verirken de değerler eğitimi ile etkinliklerin içerisinde yer almalıdır.
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