Journal Name:
- Turkish Studies
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Abstract (2. Language):
Basically this study designed to measure of high school student’s attitudes towards philosophy courses. Philosophy courses are really important for the high school student’s future life due to Exam of Entrance for Higher Education (YGS). This research was conducted with 14 separated high schools (different academic area and school type) which located in the city center of Aksaray province. Stratified sampling was used during the selection of the participant unit. Philosophy course are compulsory lesson for all high school students which they have to pass this course during 11th grade. This survey had only applied for 11th grade students because of that. 377 students were joined as a participant who is already taken the philosophy courses at the end of the survey. If we consider all of the students counts at the 11th grade was 2896 at the center of Aksaray province so that, it is mean 13% of the students was sampled in the survey. This study might be summarized in four stages by methodological aspects. First of all preparing items, secondly as data collection tool, pre-test of the scale was prepared and performed; third, the main survey of the study was performed on the field. Finally, according to the obtaining data sets was performed analysis of validity and reliability and the others analysis such as t-test, ANOVA. During the process of he preparing question items were got opinions of academicians in the area and high school teacher of Philosophy courses. After the negotiations some regulation were made on the items.
Final version of the scale was prepared and then performed on the field after regulations. Proper items have taken place in prepared survey to obtain the demographic data of students such as sex, academic department, type of high school and income. In the applied form the answers to questions substance was created ‘Likert’ style. The process of ‘recode’ was applied for the located negative items (7 items) in the scale. An ‘attitude scale’ was created for the course of philosophy by the analysis of validity and reliability was carried out with the obtaining data sets. The result of exploratory factor analysis demonstrated that twenty items loaded on five sub-factors. Five sub-factors were defined as apathy, utility, affection, trust and role of instructive. The attitude scale which consists of 20 item and five sub-factors were also analyzed by other variables. To determine for structure validity, explanatory factor analysis were used in this study. KMO capability of measurement was 0,983. Also Cronbach’s Alpha formula was used for determine the reliability of the scale. Cronbach’s Alpha reliability parameter was found as 0.911. Most of the academicians agree that reliability test score over 0.70 was enough for the reliability of the scale. Each sub-factors also analyzed for reliability by their own items. According to the Cronbach’s Alpha reliability parameter of sub-factor of apathy was found 0.900. Sub-factor of utility parameter was 0.825, sub-factor of affection parameter was 0.825, sub-factor of trust parameter was 0.696 and sub-factor of the role of instructive was found as 0.846. Obtained findings were analyzed by using statistical programs. Furthermore, t-test and ANOVA were used for item analysis.
As a result of the study, it was determined that there was no significant difference when compare the means of girls and boys according to process of t-test analysis. On the other hand it was determined there was significant difference according to academic department, which the students of social science area were significantly shows difference by trust sub-factor from the students of the department of Turkish-mathematics and science against the philosophy courses. İt is widespread as general belief that most of the high school students don’t like philosophy Courses. If it is considered that the mean of affection sub-factor of the scale was really loaded under the average (1, 9). On the other hand, apathy sub-factor of the scale was loaded 3,6 mean point. These findings let researcher have some interpretation about the students which they really less like the philosophy course but also highly they have some apathy feelings. In this study also here were some shortcomings in addition to these findings. Especially exceptions of the Social Science High Scholl because of during the survey there were no 11th grade students and the other important shortcomings was the lack of the confirmatory factor analysis that one of the measure of the structural validity. Further research should consider for verify the findings.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bu çalışma, Türkiye’de özel veya devlet okulu olan bütün liselerde zorunlu ders olarak okutulan felsefe dersine yönelik öğrencilerin tutumlarını ölçebilmek amacıyla düzenlemiştir. Aksaray il merkezinde gerçekleştirilen bu araştırmada, lise 11. sınıf öğrencileri araştırma evreni olarak tespit edilmiştir. Aksaray il merkezinde yer alan 14 ayrı lisede (farklı lise türleri) gerçekleştirilen çalışmada tabakalı örneklem seçimi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmaya, daha önce felsefe dersi almış olan 377 öğrenci katılmıştır. Hazırlanan soru formunda öğrencilere ait kısa demografik verilerin elde edilmesinin yanında, felsefe dersine dair tutumlarını ortaya koymayı amaçlayan soru maddeleri yer almıştır. Elde edilen veriler ile açımlayıcı faktör analizi yapılmış ve felsefe dersine yönelik bir tutum ölçeği oluşturulmuştur. Açımlayıcı faktör analizinin sonucunda Cronbach's Alpha Güvenirlik Katsayısı 0,911 olan, 20 maddeden ve beş alt faktörden (ilgisizlik, yararlılık, sevgi, güven, öğreticinin rolü) oluşan tutum ölçeği elde edilmiştir. Soru formuna eklenen bu bilgiler sayesinde öğrencilerin felsefe dersine dair tutumlarında etkili olduğu düşünülen; öğrencinin cinsiyeti, akademik alanı ve okul türü gibi değişkenler de incelenmiştir. Cinsiyet değişkeni ile ölçeğe ait alt faktörler arasında yapılan t-testi analizine göre anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmamıştır. Buna göre kız ve erkek öğrencilerin felsefe dersine yönelik benzer tutumlara sahip olduğu söylenebilmektedir. Akademik alanlara göre ölçeğin alt faktörleri arasında yapılan analizlerde ise sadece güven alt faktörüne ait bir anlamlı farklılığa rastlanmıştır. Sosyal bilimler alanındaki öğrenciler, diğer akademik alanlara göre güven alt faktörü açısından ortalamanın üzerinde yer almışlardır. Diğer yandan sevgi alt faktörünün ortalamasının (1,9) oldukça düşük olması Türkiye genelinde yaygın bir kanı olan felsefe dersinin pek sevilmediği mitini doğrular şekilde olmaktadır.
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