

Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/4 Winter 2015 THE FALSE FRIENDS IN IDIOMS: TATAR TURKIC-TURKISH TURKIC EXAMPLE

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Abstract (2. Language): 
It is a matter of fact that languages/dialects are translated/transfered to each other in the borders of equivalance. However, some concepts do not overlap with each other even if they seem to be equivalent. It is confered that such structures called as false friends result in mistakes and make understanding difficult. Almost all the studies of false friends on dialects are about words. In some of these studies, false friends issue in morphemes is discussed as well. Besides, it is possible to discuss false friends issue in phrases and idioms. However, there is not a distinct study on that issue up to this point. Additionally, false friends issue is not discussed in studies about mistakes in idiom transmissions. Misunderstanding of idioms which are prolongations of culture causes communication disorder and leads us misinterpret customs, beliefs, worldview, lifestyle and way of thinking of a society. In the studies of Tatar and Turkey Turkic, false friend idioms are especially pointed out as part of the research in order to prevent the problems occuring in transfer. In this respect, the issue is; 1. The ones whose components are same in terms of sound and structure; or the ones composed of the words which are known to be from the mutual root with regular sound balance between origin dialect and target dialect; namely idioms composed of heteronym components. (anadan imgen sötlerĕn avızına kitĕrüv ≠ anasından emdiği sütü burnundan getirmek; küz atuv ≠ göz atmak; küzlerĕ velfecĕr uḳıy ≠ gözleri velfecri okumak; tĕşĕ ḳıcrıy ≠ dişi gıcırdamak; yöz körsetüv ≠ yüz göstermek; yöz sörüv ≠ yüz sürmek; …) 2. The ones composed of the words which mean the same when transfered one by one from origin dialect to target dialect altough its components are not same in terms of sound and structure; namely idioms composed of equivalent components. (baş eylendĕrüv ≠ baş döndürmek; baş tartuv ≠ baş(ı) çekmek; bit birüv ≠ yüz vermek; tĕşke tiyüv ≠ dişe dokunmak; uñ küzĕn sul küzĕnnen ḳızġana ≠ sağ gözünü sol gözünden kıskanmak; yöz dündĕrüv ≠ yüz çevirmek; …) evaluated in two ways as above. Some idioms that we analyse under the heading of false friends contain some small differences among themselves. Those differences that we encounter in conjugations, sentence structures and additions are so small that they don’t prevent the meaning of transfered idiom (Avızı bĕlen koş tuta / ağzıyla kuş tutmak; başḳa ĕş töşüv / iş başa düşmek; başınnan ḳavıḳ cilĕ esken / başında kavak yeli esmek; ozın tĕllĕ / dili uzun; etc.). It is remarked that those idioms which can be considered as variants of each other are also false friends.In consequence of the research, it is confirmed (that) in Tatar and Turkey Turkic, similar structured 39 idioms which are formed by head and organ names on head are false friends. 22 of them are false friend idioms composed of heteronym components, 17 of them are false friend idioms composed of equivalent components. In false friend idioms composed of heteronym components, 19 idioms which are totally different in terms of meaning are analysed under the heading of completely false friends, 3 idioms which are somehow similar in termsof meaning are analysed under the heading of partial false friends. It is determined (that) 13 of false friend idioms composed of heteronym components are complete false friends and 4 of them are partial false friends. When we take into consideration that idioms with only head and organ names on head in the study, this is actually a considerable amount. In this respect, we can add a subheading called false friend idioms to error types occuring in idiom transfer such as preserving of origin, adaptation of origin, false idiom choice, use of missing idiom in target dialect, not being able to transfer an idiom with an idiom. It is confered by translatives that those idioms changing with small discrepancies according to dialects or consisting of synonymous elements have the same meanings in target language; and it results in the mistakes at the level of idiom. As a result, scheme of the text, and sometimes whole text is damaged. Therefore, every single idiom in such transmissions has to be approached meticulously. It has to be consulted to dictionaries containing idioms of written language in question even if those idioms seem to be same as each other. We are of opinion that false friend idioms composed by geographical position, historical process, political issues, different socio-cultural interaction between both dialects are richness of Turkish language, besides they constitute most of the mistakes in dialect transfers and lead to decrease of communication ratio among Turkish people. This study in which we analyse the issue of false friends in idioms of Tatar Turkic and Turkish Turkic has been limited with idioms formed by organ names about head and on-head in the work of Nekıy İsenbet called Tatar Tĕlĕnĕñ Frezĕologik Süzlĕgĕ.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Dillerin/lehçelerin eş değerlik sınırları içerisinde birbirine çevrilmesi/aktarılması söz konusudur. Ancak bazı yapılar eş değer gibi görünse de kavram alanları bakımından birbiriyle örtüşmez. Yalancı eş değerlik olarak adlandırılan bu tür yapıların lehçeler arası aktarmalarda hatalara yol açtığı ve anlaşmayı zorlaştırdığı görülür. Lehçeler üzerine yapılan yalancı eş değerlik çalışmalarının hemen hepsi kelimeler üzerinedir. Birkaç çalışmada eklerdeki yalancı eş değerlik meselesine de değinilmiştir. Bunun yanında, kelime grupları ve deyimlerde de yalancı eş değerlikten bahsetmek mümkündür. Fakat şimdiye kadar bu konu üzerine yapılmış müstakil bir çalışma yoktur. Deyim aktarmalarında yapılan yanlışlıklar üzerine ortaya konmuş çalışmalarda da yalancı eş değerlik meselesine değinilmemiştir. Lehçelere göre küçük fonetik farklılıklarla değişen veya eş anlamlı unsurlardan oluşan bu deyimlerin aktarıcılar tarafından hedef dilde de aynı anlama karşılık geldiğinin varsayılması deyim düzeyinde birtakım hatalara yol açmaktadır. Bunun sonucunda metnin derin yapısı, bazen de tamamı zarar görmektedir. Bu nedenle lehçeler arasında yapılan aktarmalarda her deyim titizlikle ele alınmalıdır. Birbirinin aynısı gibi görünse dahi bunun için mutlaka söz konusu yazı dilinin deyimlerini içeren sözlüklere başvurulmalıdır. Tatar ve Türkiye Türkçesi deyimlerindeki yalancı eş değerlik konusunu incelediğimiz bu çalışma, Nekıy İsenbet’in Tatar Tĕlĕnĕñ Frezĕologik Süzlĕgĕ adlı eserindeki baş ve başta bulunan organ adları ile kurulmuş deyimlerle sınırlandırılmıştır.