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- Turkish Studies
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The main concern of psychology to examine solely objective, experimental knowledge-based cases gives scientific understanding and rational knowledge prominence. In time, studies have been conducted to reveal that expanding field of psychology cannot be limited to the rational knowledge; human memory can be intuitive (mysticism) as well. Robert E. Ornstein viewing these researches from a different standpoint shows integrated approach trying to merge them with the thought that human has both rational and intuitive side. The fact that the West cares rational knowledge and the East values intuitivism (mysticism) causes prejudice between each other in benefiting from basic knowledge and culture. The person using one of these notions mostly ignores the other one. Ornstein considering that intuitive aspect is neglected in the West has the opinion that rational knowledge needs intuition (mystical) greatly for integrity. Therefore, Ornstein has introduced the elements of Eastern civilisations to the Western world in his book A New Psychology including the knowledge of unveiling the hidden feelings through the traditional esoteric psychologies. Aforementioned esoteric traditions bring to light to the implicit intuitive aspects of human by using dreams, oral expression types, geometric shapes, music, gestures and magical sounds.
Ornstein outlined his purpose of writing A New Psychology (originally The Psychology of Consciousness) based on the idea that there are many ways of knowing and single point of view will remain limited. According to Ornstein, intellect and intuition have functions that complement one another. Ornstein regards intuitive education, which is the basic domain of esoteric psychology, as a complement to the Western education system and he gives it prominence. He has also tried to demonstrate the importance of intuitive education to the Western world through the works he carried in the East.
According to Ornstein, it is impossible to answer such questions as “What is the meaning of life?”, “What is human?”, “What is the reality?” through mental ways by esoteric psychologists and therefore it is necessary to comprehend the methodology of esoteric psychology and one can answer these questions with an intuitive way that the science gives secondary importance. Ornstein, states that people belonging to different profession focus on one of the consciousness units. Ornstein thinks that most fields such as law and education were based on verbal reason, and fields like hand crafts and music are more mystical and intuitive, as a result like the professions also each members of the community belong to the discipline of their own culture.
Şehbenderzâde Ahmet Hilmi (of Plovdiv Son of a Consul) of Filibe has dealt with western science and philosophy and has opposed to those defending materialism and wrote out many works in this context. Ahmet Hilmi, gives an answer to those who have materialised the spirit by giving place to spirit and existence to spirit in his works. Ahmet Hilmi did not neglect reason while examining such concepts as entity,absence, reality, spirit and eternity within the framework of Islam. While presenting his works, the writer refutes materialism and tries to reconcile Western philosophy with religion. In this regard, one of the most important works written by Ahmet Hilmi is A’mâk-ı Hayâl. What makes A’mâk-ı Hayâl valuable is that the writer has full knowledge of Western culture, philosophy and literature, besides he handles a topic which remains virgin in the modern Turkish novel developed with Tanzimat reform era. Ornstein’s integrated approach that combines rationality and intuitivism can be seen clearly in Ahmet Hilmi’s A’mâk-ı Hayâl as well. A’mâk-ı Hayâl, contains information that will prepare the ground for the traditional esoteric psychology techniques. In his novel, such methods used for intuitive education as dreams, music and magical sounds, oral expression types are included.
Ornstein considers dreams as the opportunity for human to explore themselves. In the cultures of esoteric traditions, such techniques that make it possible to enter into dreams have been developed. The author addresses the issues of self-realisation and reaching the ultimate truth successfully via variety dreams through the protagonist Raci. Ahmet Hilmi, explains the other religions associating them with Islam. In A’mâk-ı Hayâl what is told by Buddha, Zarathustra and Aynalı is the only thing, that is, the purpose of achieving the ultimate truth.
Fiction of the novel consisting of two chapters is built on dreams, particularly. In A’mâk-ı Hayâl, Raci tries to interpret certain feelings through dreams which he cannot identify through reason and logic in his life. Dreams educate Raci in terms of Sufism. Dreams in the novel are examined not with their orders but with their relevance to the intuitive education techniques parts. Dreams have rich content enough to fit each method.
What is desired to be achieved in the novel is human’s focusing on the inner world rather than external world, their access to spiritual maturity through some phases, reaching the Creator with self-knowledge. In the novel, Ahmet Hilmi finds a mentor to the character for his reaching the spiritual maturity. At the end of the novel, the character has reached the maturity with the phases he has gone through and he has achieved the condition of guiding person. It is benefited from representatives of other religions, -especially the far East- in the novel and these people become the spiritual guide for the development of the hero. Although the novel is filled with Islamic elements in general framework, in order to contribute to human maturation adventure, it is not found strange to give the representatives of other religions and philosophers as mentors in the novel, moreover Ahmet Hilmi shows these people as they belonged to Islam. Ahmet Hilmi’s handling with Far East along with Islam may be the result of his enthusiasm to see East intuitivism as integrated. Ahmet Hilmi’s introducing Far East religion representatives as the members of Islam coincides with his mystical approach yet, it is the another issue to be examined. Ahmet Hilmi tries to indicate with his characters in the novel that such problems that cannot be solved through reason can be sorted out through East intuitivism. Şehbenderzâde Ahmet Hilmi (of Plovdiv Son of a Consul) of Filibe’s A’mâk-ı Hayâl (The Depths of Fantasy)bringing a representative approach to the education and maturation adventure of human involves symbols on the intuitive education methods of the East. This study aims to utilise from methods of intuitive education interwoven with symbols and representations and to understand and interpret A’mâk-ı Hayâl in this respect.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Psikolojinin sadece nesnel, deneysel bilgiye dayalı durumları incelemesi, bilimsel anlayışı ve rasyonel bilgiyi ön plana çıkarmıştır. Zamanla alanı genişleyen psikolojinin rasyonel bilgiyle sınırlı olamayacağı, insan belleğinin sezgisel de olacağına yönelik araştırmalar yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmalara farklı bir perspektiften yaklaşan Robert E. Ornstein, insanda hem rasyonel hem de sezgisel yanların olduğunu düşünmüş ve bunları birleştirmeye çalışarak bütüncül bir yaklaşım sergilemiştir. Batının rasyonel bilgiye, doğunun sezgiselliğe verdiği önem, temel bilgi ve kültürlerden yararlanmada birbirlerine ön yargılı bakmalarına neden olmuştur. Bu iki bilme şeklinden birini kullanan diğerini çok az kullanmıştır. Batıda sezgisel, mistik yönün ihmal edildiğini düşünen Ornstein, rasyonel bilginin büyük ölçüde bütünlük için sezgiye ihtiyaç duyduğu görüşüne sahiptir. Bu nedenle Ornstein, Yeni Bir Psikoloji adlı eseriyle doğu medeniyetine ait unsurları, geleneksel batıni psikolojiler aracılığıyla içte gizlenen duyguları ortaya çıkarma bilgisini batı dünyasına tanıtmıştır. Sözü edilen batıni gelenekler; rüyalar, sözlü anlatım türleri, geometrik şekiller, müzikler, vücut hareketleri veya büyülü sesler gibi teknikler kullanarak insanın üstü kapalı kalan sezgisel yönünün ortaya çıkmasını sağlamışlardır. İnsanın eğitilme ve olgunlaşma serüvenine temsili yaklaşımlar getiren Şehbenderzâde Filibeli Ahmet Hilmi’nin eseri olan A’mâk-ı Hayâl, doğunun sezgi eğitimi yöntemlerine dair sembolleri içermektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı da sezgi eğitimin sembol ve temsillerle örgülenen yöntemlerinden faydalanarak A’mâk-ı Hayal’i bu bakış açısıyla anlama ve yorumlamaya çalışmaktır.
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