
The effect of computer-based learning on distance learners’ self regulated learning strategies

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The present research was done to compare self regulated learning strategies (SRLS) between computer-based and print-based learning students. To do so, 53 participants as experimental group and 50 participants as control group from Payame Noor University were selected randomly. The experimental group was taught via computer and control group was taught via printed materials for 8 weeks. The instrument of this research was the self regulated learning strategies (SRLS) questionnaire modified by Zimmerman and Pons (1986). Reliability of questionnaire computed via chronbach's Alpha (α=0.93). In view of cultural differences and to avoid any misunderstanding regarding the content of the questionnaire for Iranian students, the translated version of this questionnaire was employed. In this study the reliability of the translated version was found to be high (α = .89). Research method was quasi experimental. Data analyzing was done by using univariate analysis of variance. Some of the most important results are: The rate of self regulated learning strategies within computer-based group was higher than rate of self regulated learning strategies within print-based group. Considering this variables and components is very vital role in distance education, administrators and managers of distance education are suggested to provide training via new instructional technologies.



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