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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study It was observed that if there has been a relationship between the amount of the means and materials in preschools and the level of the students' (those are about to complete their preschool education) cognitive, lingual and psychomotor development (progress). Due to that fact the topic which needs to be focused on is the “play rooms” (game rooms) which are supposed to contain the relevant means and materials. These playrooms are organised in several different conrners or stands such as play-house and performance corner, art-activities and handcrafts corner, music activities corner, science and nature corner, etc. In this study 1040 students and 72 teachers in 31 schools in Van city-center were observed. In this observation the criterions about the development spheres were applied. These were the criterions listed in Portage Pre-Primary Period Education Method list.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu arastirmada okulöncesi egitim kurumlarinda bulunmasi gereken araç-gereç ve materyallerin bulunma düzeyleri ile bu kurumlari bitirme durumunda olan ögrencilerin gelisim(motor, dil, bilissel) düzeyleri arasindaki iliski incelenmistir. Bu kapsamda üzerinde durulacak olan konu araç-gereçleri içeren oyun odalaridir. Oyun odalarindaki bu düzenlemeler daha çok köseler (evcilik ve temsili oyun, sanat etkinlikleri ve elisleri, müzik etkinlikleri, doga ve fen bilgi köseleri) seklinde düzenlenmektedir. Arastirma, Van ili merkez ilçe okulöncesi egitim kurumlarindan seçilen toplam 31 uygulama anaokulunda 1040 ögrenci ve 72 ögretmen üzerinde ve Portage Erken Çocukluk Dönemi Egitim Programi Kontrol Listesinde yer alan gelisim alanlari ile ilgili maddeler kullanilarak yapilmistir



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