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Keman ve Viyola Eğitiminde Kullanılan Mazas “Special Etudes Op.36” Metodu’nun SağVe Sol El Teknikleri Yönünden İncelenmesi

The Examination of Mazas “Special Etudes Op.36” Method Used in the Violin and the Viola Education in Terms of Right and Left Hand Techniques

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This research is a descriptive study examining the method of J. F. Mazas’ “Special Etudes op.36” which is one of the most used methods in the violin and the viola education in our country. It was done for the purpose that the viola students and educationalist colud enlarge their point of views to Mazas’ studies and Works that they would deal with in the lessons. It was defined, being scanned the right and left hand techniques in the scope of the method and then in the light of these definitions, the studies were examined in terms of target and target behaviours taking part in the contemporary education. 30 studies which will contribute to the technical development of both hands, the privileged targets that are planned the students to earn those and target behaviours were presented with the tables. The other statements with regard to studies were made under the tables
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu araştırma, ülkemizde keman ve viyola eğitiminde en çok kullanılan metotlardan biri olan J. F. Mazas’ın “Special Etudes op.36” metodunu inceleyen betimsel bir çalışmadır. Keman ve Viyola öğrenci ve eğitimcilerinin derslerde ele alacakları “Mazas” etüt ve eserlere bakışaçılarınıgenişletmek amacıile yapılmıştır. Metot kapsamındaki sağel ve sol el teknikleri taranarak tanımlanmışve daha sonra bu tanımlar ışığında etütler, sırayla hedef ve hedef davranışlar yönünden incelenmiştir. Her iki elin tekniksel gelişimine katkıda bulunacak 30 etütten; 35 hedef ve bu hedeflere ilişkin; 123 hedef davranıştespit edilmiştir.



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