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Yansıma Teorisi (1), diğer bilimlerden farksız olarak, zaman zaman büyük değişiklikler geçirir. Kuhn [24] bunun için yeni örneklerden ve bilimsel devrimlerden bahseder. Lakatos (2) yeni çok yönlü araştırma programlarının uygulanmasına değinir. Geçmişte, Yansıma Teorisinde «devrimler» olmuştur; inanıyorum ki, zamanımızda da Çağdaş Teori bir devrim daha geçirmektedir. Modern Yansıma Teorisindeki değişmeye ilişkin ilk ses Shoup'tan yükseldi [36, 37, 38]. O, üçüncü imkânsızlık teoremini (aşağıda aktarıldığı üzere) ortaya çıkarmaya çalışıyor. Yazık ki, sadece birkaç iktisatçı Shoup'un konuya olan merakım paylaşıyor gözükmektedir. Bunların en sonuncusu Bird[3]dür. Devrimci Önemleri nedeniyle, modern Kamu Maliyesi lisans ders kitaplarının içeriğinden anlaşıldığı gibi, henüz yeterince değerlendirilmediği görülen üç imkânsızlık teoremini aşağıda sunuyorum.



Ando, Albert-Franklin F. Fisher ve Herbert Simon, Essays on
the Structure of Social Science Models (Cambridge, Mass, The M.I.T.
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[21 Arrow, Kenneth J., Social Choice and individual Values, 2. bas¬kı (New Haven, Cowles Foundation Monograph 12, Yale University Press, 1963).
[3] Bird, Richard M., «Income Redistribution Through the Fiscal System: The Limits tof Knowledges, American Economic Review, Vol. 70, No, 2 (May 1980).
[4] Blaug, Mark, «Kuhn versus Lakatos or Paradigms versus Re¬search Programmes in the History of Economics* Spiro Latsis, ed., Method and Appraisal in Economics içinde (Cambridge, Camridge University Press, 1976).
[5] Bronowski, J„ Nature and Knowledge (Eugene, University of Oregon Press, 1969).
[6] Clark, Colin, «The Danger Point in Taxes,;* Herper's Magazine, (December 1950), Yeni baskı. Paul A. Samuelson, Robert L. Bishop ve John R. Coleman, eds., Readings in Economics içinde. (New York, Mc GrawHill Book Company, 1952).
[7] Cragg, John G., Arnold C. Harberger ve Peter Mieszkowski, ^Empirical Evidence on the Incidence of the Corporation Income Tax,s> The Journal of Political Economy Vol. 75 (December 1967).
[8] Friedman, Milton, Price Theory (Chicago, Aidine Publishing Company, 1971 baskısı).
[91 Haavelmo, Trygve, «Multiplier Effects of a Balanced Budget,* Econometrica (1945).
[10] Hansen, John Philip, Should Tax Rates Be Really Considered Endogenous. Ph. D. Dissertation, Rice University, Houston, Texas, (May 1973).
[11] Hochman, Harold M., ^Individual Preferences and Distribu¬tional Adjustments*, American Economic Review, Vol. LXI1, No. 2 (May 1972).
[12] Hochman, Harold M. ve James D. Rodgers, «Pareto Optimal

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[131 Krzyzaniak, Marian, «The Long-Run Burden of a General Tax on Profits in a Neoclassical World,» Public Finance/Finances Publi¬ques, Vol. XXII, No. 4/1967, pp. 472-95.
[14] Krzyzaniak, Marian, «Are Tax Rates Endogenous. A Night¬marish Possibility the Analysis of Tax Policies,* Heinz Haller ve Horst Claus Recktenwald, eds, Finanz-und Geld-Politik im Umbruch içinde (Meinz, v. Hase and Koetler Verlag, 1969. [15] Krzyzaniak, Marian, «Factor Substitution and the General Tax on Profits,» Public Finance/Finances Publiques, Vol. XXV, No. 4/1970, pp. 489-516.
[16] Krzyzaniak, Marian, «The Differential Incidence of Taxes on Profits and on Factor Incomes,* Finanzarchiv, Neue Folge, Band 30, Heft1 3/1972.
[17] Krzyzaniak, Marian, «Benefit-Cost and Incidence Study of Transfers, Financed by Taxes on Profits, in a Growing Neoclassical Economy with Two Labor Inputs» Public Finance/Finances Publiques, Vol. XXIII, No. 2/1973, pp. 151-77.
[18] Krzyzaniak, Marian, «Transfers to Unskilled Labor: A Gene¬ralized Theoretical Considerations, Victor Halberstadt ve Anthony J. Culyer, eds, Public Finances and Kuman Resources içinde (Paris. Editions CUJAS, 1977).
[19] Krzyzaniak, Marian, «Linear Resource Use Indices as Real In¬come (Real Consumption) > Horst Claus Recktenwald, ed., Secular Trends of the Public Sector içinde (Paris, Editions CUJAS, 1978). [20] Krzyzaniak, Marian, «The Differential Incidence of Cash Flow Consumption Base Versus Comprehensive Income Tax in a Neoclas¬sical World», Public Finance/Finances Publiques, Vol. XXXIV. No. 1/1979, pp. 1-30. '
[21] Krzyzaniak, Marian ve İbrahim Eriş, «The Log-Run incidence of Government Spending on Educations Public Finance Quarterly, Vol 2. No. 3 (July 1974).
[22] Krzyzaniak, Marian ve Richard A. Musgrave, The Shifting of the Corporation Income Tax. An Empirical Study of Its Short Run Effects Upon the Rate of Return (Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1963).
[23] Krzyzaniak, Marian ve Richard A. Musgrave, «Corporation Tax Shifting: A. Response,» The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 78 (July/August 1970).
[24] Kuhn, Thomas S., The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, ge¬nişletilmiş 2. baskı (Chicago", III'., The University of Chicago Press, 1970).
[25] Lakatos, Imre, «Faîslfication and the Methodology of Scien¬tific Research Programmes,* Imre Lakatos ve Alan Musgrave eds.,

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