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Assessment of Heavy Metals Concentration in Lettuce Plaint in the Irrigated Agriculture at Gombe State, Nigeria

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The study was conducted at Gombe state, Nigeria dunning the period (2014-2015). The objective was to assess the concentration of heavy mutants (Zn, G, Cd, As, Fe, Cu, Ni, Pb) in lettuce plant at three zones namely, Gombe north, Gombe central and Gombe south. From each zone four locations were selected. Plant samples were taken randomly from the selected locations and replicated thrice. The collected samples of lettuce plant were analyzed in standard laboratory analysis. The study results showed that the heavy metals concentration in lettuce were in descending order of Fe  Zn  Cu  Pb  Cd  Cr  Ni  As and all the heavy metals are within the permissible limit of food standard committee and WHO. The results showed that the daily heavy metals intake of Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni and Fe were below the recommended limit of RDI and the transfer factor of all heavy metals was less than one.



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