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Developing effective classroom practices to promote social and emotional competence in young learners and impact a peaceful learning environment through the reflective application of evidence based programmes

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Abstract (Original Language): 
Providing current and effective teaching and learning programmes to support the peaceful, constructive learning environment and the social-emotional learning needs of the 21st century child, with effective on-going professional support for practitioners to ensure quality classroom application is a continual challenge for sector specialists. This study examines the potential impact of training and application of a specific kindergarten and primary K-5 programme targeting the development of peaceful behaviors in schools. The study considers the potential status and impact of classroom strategies, as exemplified in specific programme applications designed to build a relationship-centred learning environment on those teachers receiving training, and skills for peaceful co-existence among children and adults. Constructive practitioner methodologies aimed at enhancing effective communication skills and particularly fostering peaceful discourse, aggression-free conflict management and healthy decision making are examined in classroom context and their perceived contribution to promoting understanding, self-awareness and empathy in children and teachers is considered.



1. Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). (2003). Safe and sound: An educational leader’s guide to evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) programs. Chicago, IL: CASEL.
2. Lions Quest Yaşam Becerileri Programı Eğitici Rehber Kitabı ‘Birlikte’,Anasınıfı ve İlköğretim (6-10 yaş) Programı (2009) LCIF-LQ Türkiye, Istanbul
3. Humphrey, N., (2009) ‘Key Barriers to Success’, SSP. UK
4. Bertram, T. (2007) ‘Raise Your Game’ in Nursery World, 7 June, UK.

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