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Turkey following the footsteps of western education system is nowadays struggling to implement constructivist paradigm in its schools. The success of the integration of constructivist elements into the schools is heavily contingent upon the support of teachers. This necessitates that the ideas advocated in constructivist reform movements should be promoted adequately in the preparation of teacher candidates. Therefore, investigating the beliefs of prospective teachers regarding reformed science teaching and learning becomes crucially important for an accurate portrayal of the current structure of the teacher profiles. This study focuses on the beliefs of prospective elementary and science teachers regarding reformed science teaching and learning. An adapted version of the BARSTL (Beliefs about Reformed Science Teaching and Learning) questionnaire developed originally by Sampson, Grooms and Enderle (2013) was delivered to a total of 393 first-year elementary and science teachers. The reformed science teaching and learning beliefs of prospective teachers with respect to their majors, genders and type of high school from which they graduated was investigated using independent samples t-test statistics and one-way ANOVA statistics. The results of the study indicate that many prospective teachers regardless of their majors adopt traditional perspectives in science teaching and learning. Particularly, prospective elementary and science teachers scored lower on “how people learn about science” and “the nature of the science curriculum” sub-dimensions of the BARSTL questionnaire, which implies that traditional beliefs are more dominant in these two specific sub-dimensions. The mean scores of elementary and science prospective teachers differ statistically significantly in two sub-dimensions of the BARSTL questionnaire (“characteristics of teachers and the learning environment” and “the nature of the science curriculum”). With respect to gender, the mean scores of male teacher candidates are significantly higher than their female peers in two sub-dimensions of the questionnaire (“how people learn about science” and “lesson design and implementation”). No statistically significant difference is present between the mean scores of prospective teachers graduated from different types of high schools. The results obtained from the study indicate the limited acceptance of constructivist reform ideas by pre-service elementary and science teachers.



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