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Obituary for Professor Kamil Alnıaçık

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[I] On the subclasses U,,. in .Mahler's classificat.0on of the transcendental
numbers, Istanbul ~ n i vF. en Fak, Mecm. Ser . A 44 (1979), 39-82.
(21 On U,,-nu,, F'roc. Amer. Ma,th. Soc. 85 (1982)) 499-505.
[35 On Mahler's U-numbers, Amer. J. Math. 105 (1983), 1347-1356.
(41 On T-numbers, Glasnik Math. 21 (1986), 271-282.
[5) Representcttior~ of real numbers as sunzs of U2-numbers, Acta
Arith. 55 (1990)) 301-310.
[6] On p-ndic U,,-numbers, Istanbul univ. Fen 1Fa.k. Mat. Der. 50
(1991), 1-7,
(71 On p-adic T-num.bers, Doga Math. 16 (1992), 119-128. [8] On
semi-strong U -numbers, .Acta Aritih. 60 (1992), 349-:358.
[9] A note on some IJ-numbers, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 25
(1994), 689-691,
[10] (with E. Saias) Une remarque sur.les Gs-denses, Arch. Math.
62 (1994), 425-426.
[ll] The points on curves whose coordinates are U-numbers, Rend.
Mat. Iloma, Serie VII, :18 (1998), 649--653.
[I%(]w ith Y. Avci and Y. Bugeaud) On Urn-numbers with small transcendence
measures, Acta. Math. Hungar. To appea,r.
[13] The points on algebraic curves whose coordinates are U2-numbers,
Unpublished text.

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