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AnEvaluation of Political Leader Attr ibutesfrom theYoung andPotential VotersPerspective: A Study Per formed on High School and University StudentsfromthePolitical Marketing View

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Political leader is one of the most important elements of political product mix (package) presented to voters especially during election period. Congruity between the characteristics of a political leader and the desired characteristics and expectations of voters from the political leaders is so important to poll the votes. To form and consider an appropriate profile throrough the characteristics of political leader and expectations of voters is an important factor affecting the success of political marketing activities. The awareness of expectations of political buyers is vital for both political marketers and voters. In this way, political marketers find the oppurtunity to study on the appropriate voters’ profiles and voters make a contribution to the determination of an ideal political leader profile. Since a large proportion of population in Turkey is composed of youngsters, the share of young voters in total is remarkably high. It is a well-known fact that political leader is important for political marketing. Even when put aside the relatively high effect of the election system in the country, which only increases the relative importance of vote differences among the parties and candidates, it is so clear that the youngsters can have an important effect in elections, where a large number of parties and candidates compute. As considered the general elections take place every five years period, ordered by law, a youngster is a natural voter candidate for the very next elections. Therefore, it is vital for political marketing to identify the young and candidate voters’ expectations about the skills and attributes of political leaders and to determine the relative importance attributed to these skills. To this end, in this study a survey is implemented to a total of 1.500 univers ity and high school students in Ankara Province. Results from the study indicates important ins ights into young and potential (candidate) voters’ attitudes and expectations, political parties, political leaders and political marketing.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Siyas i lider, oy talebinde seçmenlere sunulan siyasal ürün paketinin en önemli unsurlarindan biris idir. Siyasi liderin tasidigi özellikler ile seçmenlerin bir s iyas i liderde bulunmasini istedigi özelliklerin uyum göstermesi, bir siyasal partinin seçim basarisini ve seçmenlerin memnuniyetini önemli derecede etkileyecektir. Bir s iyasal parti iç in ‘basarili olma istegi’ temel veri olarak alindiginda, siyasal alicilar konumundaki seçmenlerin bir s iyas i liderde aradiklari özelliklerin tesbiti, ona uygun bir s iyasi profil ortaya çikartilmasi açisindan son derece önem arz etmektedir. Ülkemizdeki nüfus yapisi içerisinde, genç seçmenlerin toplam seçmenler içeris indeki payi oldukça önemlidir. Seçimlerin –kanunen de olsa- bes yilda bir yapilmasi öngörüldügünde, bir potansiyel seçmen (genç) ilk genel seçimlerde oy kullanabilecektir. Seçim s isteminin etkisi de dikkate alindiginda, onlarca partinin ve adayin yaristigi seçimlerde küçük oy farklarinin siyasi partilerin iktidari kaybetmes ine neden olabildigi bir rekabet ortami mevcuttur. Böyle bir ortamda, genç seçmenler ve seçmen adaylarinin bu kesimin bir s iyas i liderde aradiklari özellikler ve bu özelliklere verdikleri göreceli önemin tespiti amaciyla, Ankara’da yaklasik olarak –1000 adet lise ve 500 adet de üniversite ögrenc isi olmak üzeretoplam 1500 kis i üzerinde bir anket çalismasi uygulanmistir. Çalisma, özelde siyas i partiler, siyas i liderler ve diger siyasetçiler, genelde de siyasal pazarlama ve siyasal pazarlamacilar açisindan dikkat çekic i ve pratige yönelik bulgular ortaya koymaktadir.



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