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Developments in science and technology affect lives of individuals.Associated with rapid improvements in technology it is possible to reach all kinds of information nowadays. Hence associated with developments in technology raising individuals who can achieve expected informations and using them effectively is essential.Using technology in education is a worth-stressing issue. Because dissociating technology having an important role in providing progression in education from the system of education does not seem possible. In this regard, this research aims to examine pre-service music teachers’ views of using technology. 90 pre-service music teachers at Balıkesir University’s Necatibey Faculty of Education participated in the current study. The questionnaire reformed by researchers is used in this research as means of data collection. In the questionnaire, there were questions about students’ views about using technology. Questions prepared by researchers are presented to expert opinions for the study of validity and finalized in the direction of proposals of specialists. Then, the data obtained from questionnaires are analyzed using frequencies and percentages. Findings are presented in tabular ways.



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