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This study aims to analyse the prospective elementary teachers’ informations abouth laboratory equipments that are used in science and technology teaching. For this purpose, a test have been designed to collect data based on expert opinion. The prospective teachers have been asked to naming pictures of equipments that are used in laboratories in the first part of the test. The prospective teachers have been asked to naming images of microscope parts, to indicating which part of the microscope has the tasks that have been expressed related to parts of the microscope and to informationing abouth the use of the microscope in the second part of the test. Data have been collected as a result of this test was applied to 72 second year prospective elementary teachers attending the Department of Elementary in Education Faculty of Ondokuz Mayıs University at the end of fall semester in 2010-2011. Quantitative and qualitative research methods have been used data analysis and interpretation. The results of the study have introduced that prospective elementary teachers had information abouth laboratory equipments that are used in science and technology teaching, microscope parts, tasks of microscope parts and the use of the microscope. However the results of the study have introduced that prospective elementary teachers had some missing and incorrect informations abouth these matters.



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