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As is known, primary teachers’ beliefs and preferences about mathematics and the teaching of mathematics play a great role in classroom teaching. Self-efficacy is an individual’s belief or perception of their own skills. Pre-service primary teachers’ mathematics teaching efficacy and self-efficacy beliefs should aim for the highest levels. Parents play a great role in upbringing individuals with high level of self-confidence. The more educated the parents are, the more self-confident the children are. In line with this, this research aims to explore preservice teachers’ mathematics self-efficacy beliefs and mathematic teaching efficacy in terms of parental level of education. The research was carried out with pre-service primary teachers enrolled in the faculties of education in İstanbul. The data was collected using the “Mathematics Self-Efficacy Perception Scale”, “Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Belief Scale-Pre-service Teacher Form” and demographical data. The SPSS16.0 statistical package was used for the statistical data analyses of the research, which was designed in survey model. According to the research findings, it was found that pre-service teachers’ mathematics selfefficacy perceptions differed significantly in terms of statistics as parents’ level of education increased. Preservice teachers’ mathematics teaching efficacy beliefs differed significantly in terms of maternal level of education; however, they did not differ in terms of paternal level of education. The results were discussed in the light of the literature and some suggestions were made for further research and researchers.



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