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DOI: 10.3926/jotse.2011.22
Abstract (2. Language): 
The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has been established, at least in structure, remapping Higher Education as we know it. This scenario offers a new framework in which the role of universities can be rethought, independently of the field of the new degrees and post graduate studies. As part of this reconceptualisation, the roles of teachers and students need to be reconsidered. Achieving an enhanced doctoral experience for the next generation of PhD students represents a measurable practical outcome of the Bologna Process. This paper is contextualised within the issues of internationalisation, standards and standardization of degree credit ratings, with attention paid to collaboration and competition, and language and writing. We identify the main challenges of the emerging EHEA regarding third cycle students in order to capture the pedagogical essence of what has been, until date, just a structural change. The EHEA has many practical gains to offer, but it also has potential disadvantages that need be acknowledged and addressed.



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