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Iranian and Non-Iranian Social Networks’ Structures; A Comparative Study

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This research attempts to present a picture of the structure and design of virtual social networking sites such as Facenama, Cloob, Facebook, and Google+. The aim of this research is to study what are the differences between Iranian and non-Iranian social networks structures mainly used by Iranian users. Content analysis method has been used in the present research. Elements such as real images, personal photos, high attractiveness, image plus text, warm and cool colors, lots of comments (more than ten comments), and minimal use of symbolic signs have been used more than other types. Moreover, it was identified that there is no significant difference between the type of selected structures by users in Iranian and non-Iranian social network websites. The results of the research could be use to reach a pattern of use of these websites for creating and developing personal social networking.



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© Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies 106
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies
Volume: 5 – Issue: 3 July - 2015
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www. cloob. com.
www. facebook. com.
www. facenama. com.
www. plus. google. com

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