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Çocuk Hastada Actinomyces Naeslundii Pozitif Atrofik Rinit

Atrophic Rhinitis Positive with Actinomyces Naeslundii in A Child Patient

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Atrophic rhinitis is a rarely witnessed inflamatory and chronic infection characterized by the atrophy of nasal mucosa and conchas, nasal crusting with bad smell and the enlargement of the nasal space with paradoxical nasal congestion. Primary and secondary forms of atrophic rhinitis are well-established. While primary atrophic rhinitis occurs in a previously healthy nose, secondary form frequently occurs following extensive sinus surgery, nasal trauma and chronic granulomatos diseases. On the physical examination of the case during anterior rhinoscopy, common crut and purulent, yellowish-dark green discharge were determined in nasal cavity. Klebsiella ozaenae and Staphylococcus aureus in aerobic culture with automated bacteria identification and susceptibiltiy testing system (Phoenix 100) and Actinomyces naeslundii in anerobic culture were yielded. Klebsielle ozaenae was found to be resistant only to ampicillin and was susceptible all the other tested antibiotics, and expanded spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) was negative. Staphylocccus aureus was found to be resistant to cefazolin, clindamycin, erythromycin, fucidic acid, meropenem, oxacillin, penicillin G and ampicillin. Actinomyces naeslundii was found to be resistant to metronidazole; susceptible to moxifloxacin and meropenem, with E-test method and beta lactamase test was negative. Presenting atrophic rhinitis in a 10-year-old male patient with clinical, microbiological and pathological features, the subject were discussed in the light of related literature.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Atrofik rinit nazal mukozanın ve konkaların atrofisi, yapışkan ve kötü kokulu sekresyon, krut oluşumu, nazal kavitede genişleme ve paradoksal nazal konjesyonla seyreden nadir görülen kronik bir enfeksiyondur. Primer ve sekonder formları tarif edilmiştir. Primer atrofik rinit daha önce sağlıklı bir burunda gelişirken sekonder atrofik rinit sıklıkla geniş sinüs cerrahisi, nazal travma, kronik granülomatöz hastalıklar sonrası gelişmektedir. Olgunun yapılan fizik muayenesinde anterior rinoskopide nazal kavitede yaygın krut ve pürülan, sarı-koyu yeşil akıntı tespit edildi. Burun akıntısı materyalinden yapılan aerop kültürde otomatize bakteri tanımlama ve duyarlılık sistemi (Phoenix 100) ile Klebsiella ozaenae, Stapylococcus aureus; aneerop kültürde ise Actinomyces naeslundii tanımlandı. Klebsielle ozaenae sadece ampisiline dirençli test edilen diğer bütün antibiyotiklere duyarlı ve genişlemiş spektrumlu beta-laktamaz (GSBL) negatif bulundu. Staphylocccus aureus sefazolin, klindamisin, eritromisin, fusidik asit, meropenem, oksasilin, penisilin G ve ampisiline dirençli bulundu. Actinomyces naeslundii ise E-test metodu ile metronidazole dirençli, moksifloksasin ve meropeneme duyarlı, beta-laktamaz testi negatif olarak bulundu. On yaşında erkek hastada gelişen atrofik rinit klinik, mikrobiyolojik ve patolojik özellikleri ile sunularak konu ile ilgili literatür eşliğinde tartışıldı.



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