
Clinical hematological and bone marrow study of severe anaemia

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Background and Objective : Anaemia is the most significant health problem worldwide especially in India. In this study we tried to find out the prevalance clinical & hematological features of severe anaemia (i.e. Hb < 7 gm%), and bone marrow study was done. Methods : We have evaluated all the pat ients presenting to the medical wards of J.J.M. college,davanagere. for a period of 2 year between 2012 to 2014, 50 patients are selected randomly with a Hb level of < 7 gm%.. Clinical examinat ion has been done and were invest igated through a complete hemogram& bone marrow examination. Results : Specific signs like nail changes, peripheral neuropathy were case specific. Severe anaemia was more common in female in the age group of 21 to 50 yrs. macrocyticanaemi seen in 56% of cases, microcytic hypochromic( 18%), dimorphic anemia( 20%), normocytic normochromic ( 6%). vitamin B12 and folate deficiency are more significant than iron def iciency anaemia. Conclusion : According to our study nutritional anaemia and anaemia due to chronic blood loss still form a major et iological cause of severe anaemia. As these factors are easily modifiable by food supplementation and regular gynecological check up, a major cause of severe anaemia can be reduced. Also this study shows the worrying trend of increasing cause of severe anaemia due to chronic disease and hematological malignancies as compared to earlier studies and shows an urgent need to evaluate the cause of this trend.



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