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Abstract (2. Language): 
Abdominal paracentesis is a generally safe intervention that is performed for diagnostic and therapeutic reasons in patients with hepatic disease and accompanying ascites. Although abdominal wall hematomas occurring in needle puncture site is seen at less than 2%, severe bleeding requiring transfusion develops in less than 1% of patients. Complication rate is less than 1% in interventions performed at subinguinal median line. Bleeding complication may be less frequent because linea alba found at this site is avascular. In this report, we present a case who was being followed for alcoholic hepatic cirrhosis and undergone paracentesis for tense ascites and subsequently developed abdominal wall hematoma and hemoperiton, with accompanying literature.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Karaci¤er hastal›¤› seyrinde geliflen asitin teflhis ve tedavisinde kullan›lan abdominal parasentez genel olarak güvenli bir giriflim olarak kabul edilmektedir. ‹¤ne girifl yerinde geliflen abdominal duvar hematom s›kl›¤› %2’den az olmas›na ra¤men, bunlar›n %1’den az›nda transfüzyon gerektiren a¤›r kanama bulunur. Subinguinal orta hattan yap› lan giriflimlerde komplikasyon oran› %1’den azd›r. Linea alba bölgesinin avaskuler olmas›ndan dolay› komplikasyon daha az olabilir. Bu yaz›da, alkolik karaci¤er sirozu ile izlenen hastada geliflen tens asit nedeniyle parasentez yap›lan ve takiben abdominal duvar hematomu ve hemoperiton geliflen hasta, literatür eflli¤inde tart›fl›lm›flt›r.



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