
Çeviri Cumhuriyetçi Siyasal Kuram

Journal Name:

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AYRES, Ian ve BRAITHWAITE, John (1992) Responsive Regulation, New York:
Oxford University Press.
BENTHAM, Jeremy (1843) “Anarchical Fallacies”, The Works of Jeremy Bentham
içinde, der. J. Bowring, vol. 2, Edinburgh.
BERLIN, Isaiah (1958) Four Essays on Liberty, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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BLACKSTONE, William (1978) (1983) Commentaries on the Laws of England, 9. bsm,
New York: Garland (facsimile).
BLOM, Hans W. (1995) Causality and Morality in Politics: The Rise of Naturalism in
Dutch Seventeenth-Century Political Thought, The Hague: CIP-Gegevens Koninklijke Biblioteek.
BRAITHWAITE, John ve PETTIT, Philip (1990) Not Just Desert: A Republican Theory
of Criminal Justice, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
CONSTANT, Benjamin (1988) Constant: Political Writings, der. B. Fontana, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
DWORKIN, Ronald (1978) Taking Rights Seriously, London: Duckworth.
ELKIN, Stephen L. (1978) City and Regime in the American Republic, Chicago: Chicago
University Press.
FONTANA, Biancamaria, der. (1994) The Invention of the Modern Republic, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
HARRINGTON, James (1992) The Commonwealth of Oceana, and A System of Politics,
der. J.G.A. Pocock, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
HOBBES, Thomas (1968) Leviathan, der. C. B. MacPherson. Harmondsworth, Mddx:
HUTTON, Will (1995) The State We’reIn, London: Cape 1995.
LEWIS, David (1969) Convention, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
LIND, John (1776) Three Letters to Dr. Price, London: T. Payne.
LOCKE, John (1965) Two Treasties of Goverment, der. Peter Laslett, New York: Mentor.
LONG, Dougles C. (1977) Bentham on Liberty, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
MADISON, James; Hamilton, Alexander ve Jay, John (1987) The Federalist Papers, der.
Isaac Kramnik, Harmondsworth, Mddx: Penguin.
MICHELMAN, Frank (1986) “The Supreme Court 1985 Term”, Harward Law Review
MILL, John Stuart (1969) Essays on Ethics, Religion and Society (Collected Works, vol.
10), London: Routledge.
MILLER, David (1990) Market, State and Community, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
MONTESQUIEU, Charles de Secondat (1989) The Spirit of the Laws, çev. ve der. A. M.
Cohler, B.C. Miller ve H.S. Stone, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
OLDFIELD, Adrian (1990) Citizenship and Community: Civic Republicanism and the
Modern World, London: Routledge.
PAGDEN, Anthony (der.) (1987) The Languages of Political Theory in Early Modern
Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
PAINE, Tom (1989) Political Writings, der. Bruce Kuklick, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
PALEY, William (1825) The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy (Collected
Works, vol. 4), London: C. ve J. Rivington.
PATTERSON, Orlando (1991) Freedom in the Making of Western Culture, New York:
Basic Books.
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PETTIT, Philip (1995) “Instituonal Design and Rational Choice”, der. R.E. Goodin, The
Theory of Institutional Design içinde Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
PETTIT, Philip (1996) “Freedom as Antipower”, Ethics, 106.
PETTIT, Philip (1997) Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Goverment, Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
POCOCK, J.G.A. (1975) The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Theory and the
Atlantic Republican Tradition, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
PRICE, Richard (1991) Political Writings, der. D.O. Thomas, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
PRIESTLEY, Joseph (1993) Political Writings, der. P.N. Miller, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
RAHE, Paul Anthony (1992) Republics, Antient and Modern: Classical Republicanism
and the American Revolution, Chicago: University of Chiago Press.
RAWLS, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
ROBBINS, Caroline (1959) The Eighteenth Century Commonwealthman, Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press.
SEN, Amartya (1985) Commodities and Capabilites, Amsterdam: North-Holland.
SKINNER, Quentin (1978) The Foundations of Modern Political Thought, 2 vols.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
SKINNER, Quentin (1983) “Machiavelli an the Maintenance of Liberty”, Politics, 18.
SKINNER, Quentin (1984) “The Idea of Negative Liberty”, der. R. Rorty, J.B.
Schneewind ve Q. Skinner, Philosophy in History içinde, Cambridge: Cambridge University
SPITZ, Jen-Fabien (1995) La Liberte Politique. Paris: Presses Universitatires de France.
SUNSTAIN, Cass R. (1990) After the Rights Revolution: Reconceiving the Regulatory
State, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
SUNSTAIN, Cass R. (1993a) The Partial Constitution, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard
University Press.
SUNSTAIN, Cass R. (1993b) Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech, New York:
Free Press.
SYDNEY, Algernon (1990) Discourses Concerning Government, der. T.G. West.
Indianapplis: Liberty Classics.
SYDNEY, Algernon (1996) Court Maxims, der. H.W. Bloom, E.H. Muller ve Ronald
Janse, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
TAYLOR, Charles (1989) “Cross-Purposes: The Liberal-Communitarian Debate”, der.
N.L. Rosenblum, Liberalism and the Moral Life içinde, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
TRENCHARD, John ve GORDON, Thomas (1971) Cato’s Letters, 6. bsm (1755), New
York: Da Capo.
VAN PARIJS, Philippe (1995) Real Freedom for All Oxford: Oxford University Press.
VIROLI, Maurizio (1995) For Love of Country Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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