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Abstract (2. Language): 
In the contemporary times, urbanization and migration are among the most challenging problems of, particularly developing, countries. Maladaptation of newly comers to the urban settings brings a number of other problems with itself. This study tries to analyze these problems. Having provided a short introduction, the article lists the important migration problems according to its importance. Then comes a number of solutions to these particular problems. It has been argued that solving the problems of urbanization and migration, which are as old as the history of human being, require a combination of people's conscioussness and decisive management. An overall priority for theorganizations which deal with the se problems must be to provide the aforementioned combination.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Gunumuzde kentle§me ve gog ozellikle geli§mekte olan ulkelerin en onemli sosyal politika sorunlarindandir. Kente gogle gelen insanlarin uyum saglayamamalari degi§ik problemleri de beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu gali§mada bu problemler tespit edilmeye gali§ilmi§tir. Genel bir giri§ten sonra problemler onem durumuna gore ortaya konmu§tur. Diger bolumlerde bu problemlerin gozumune yonelik onerilerimiz siralanmi§tir. Unutulmamalidir ki insanlik tarihi kadar eski olan kentle§me ve ortaya gikardigi problemlerin gozumu bilingli bir halk kararli bir yonetimin birle§mesiyle ortaya gikacaktir. Bu birlikteligi saglamak sorunlari gozecek kurum veya kurulu§lar igin oncelikli hedef olmalidir.



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