Journal Name:
- Turkish Studies
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Abstract (2. Language):
The most important goal of foreign language teaching is to gain communicative competence and the development of the four basic language skills. Having a key function in understanding and interpretation in language teaching, "Word" and "Vocabulary" constitute the basis for the development of given language skills. Methods and techniques applied in foreign language courses directly affect the students' learning new words, and so they affect learning a foreign language. The development of the vocabulary of students will be possible with a manner that emphasizes learning new words in language teaching prepared by teachers and with the activities that can be applied in a systematic way. The problems such asnot being able to remember based on the failure of the students' vocabulary, using the wrong word, using words not related to the context, incorrect pronunciation can only be minimized by textbooks which consider increasing the vocabulary, a foreign language teaching methods of which learning activities are designed for this purpose, and supplemented with language learning strategies and learning tips (Lerntipps). This will contribute to the success of foreign language learners' language learning by increasing the motivation.
In this study, traditional and alternative methods being used in foreign language teaching are dealt with the comparative method in terms of general features and vocabulary instruction.
Deficiencies in the vocabulary constitute a problem in the use of learned grammatical structures. In terms of the development of basic language skills, for students to be successful in listening, they areto understand when hearing, to pronounce or to write the words. As you see “word”plays akey role. From this perspective, vocabulary studies should be especially integrated into studies focused on skills development.
According to researchfindings, "Grammar-Translation Method", "Suggestopedia Learning Method", "Callan Method", "Birkenbihl Method" are methods where vocabulary instruction is done directly. Following findings concerning direct vocabulary instruction has been reached:
In recent years, alternative methods of foreign language teaching that has been developed and implemented worldwide give great importance to vocabularyteaching. Priority is given to the development of vocabulary, it is emphasized that development of other language skills depends on vocabulary teaching. It is seen that in Grammar Translation Method, focusing on analysis of grammatical structures rather than development of the four basic language skills, vocabulary teaching is prioritised. In this method, since translations from the native language to the target language and vice versa are done, it is obligatory to know the meaning of the words. However, students do not use these words in the development of oral communication skills, thus cannot make oral production. Since it is focused on the teaching of the words selected from literary texts instead of frequently used words in daily life, using foreign language in oral communication situations is not possible with this method even though there is an increase in the amount os vocabulary knowledge. Vocabulary teaching is focused in the Suggestopedia, and in terms of psychological factors the most comfortable learning environment for students is provided for the teaching of vocabulary. Birkenbihl Method is totally vocabulary-centered. Translation is the basis. It includes decoding, active and passive listening and implementation stage. Learning the word pronunciation and rhythm is also very important. Based on teaching the vocabulary, it tries to gain listening, writing, reading and speaking rather than direct grammar teaching. "Callan Method" is also a vocabulary-orientedmethod. It teaches the words in the target language by mechanical exercises without using the native language. 4300 words are reached at the end of twelve training sessions. It is seen as a suitable method fort he development of vocabulary and oral communication skills. Compared with, traditional foreign language teaching methods, alternative foreign language teaching methods are seen vocabulary-oriented and are found to give priority to the development of vocabulary.
Traditional methods which do notgive importance so much to vocabulary such as "Natural Approach", "Communicative Approach", "Total Physical Response Method", "Direct Method” are analysed in terms of vocabulary teaching, and following findings are reached:
In traditional methods, vocabulary teaching is ignored, grammar and grammatical structures are favoured and vocabulary is taught “indirectly”. Development of language skills are basically aimed in thesed methods. Learning theory and approaches of the period have been a factor that decide which basic language skill will be concentrated on. In Direct Method, which was developed as a reaction to Grammar Translation Method, memorization and translation are not used, words are taught by visuals, pantomime and realia. Hence, alimited number of vocabulary is taught. In Linguistic-Visual Method, correct word pronunciation and in particular listening skills are focused to gainpractical communication skills. In Communicative Approach, functional words are taught with activities selected according to the level. In TPR, words are used in Imperatives and are promoted with actions.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Dört temel dil becerisinin gelişimi ve iletişimsel yetinin kazanımı yabancı dil öğretiminin en önemli hedefidir. Yabancı dil öğreniminde anlama ve anlamlandırmada kilit fonksiyona sahip “kelime” ve “kelime bilgisi”, söz konusu dil becerilerinin gelişiminde temel teşkil etmektedir. Yabancı dil derslerinde uygulanan yöntem ve teknikler öğrencilerin kelime kazanımını dolayısıyla dil öğrenimini doğrudan etkilemektedir. Öğrencilerin kelime hazinelerinin gelişimi, dil öğretimi sürecinde öğretmen tarafından uygulanacak kelime kazanımını önemseyen bir yöntemle ve bu yöntem doğrultusunda hazırlanmış, kelime bilgisini artıracak, sistemli şekilde uygulanabilecek aktivitelerle mümkün olacaktır. Öğrencilerin kelime bilgilerindeki yetersizliklerine dayalı olarak ortaya çıkan hatırlayamama, yanlış kelime kullanma, kelimeyi bağlama uymayacak şekilde kullanma, hatalı telaffuz gibi sorunlar, ancak kelime bilgisinin artırılmasını dikkate alan, öğrenme aktivitelerini bu amaçladizayn eden bir yabancı dil öğretim yöntemi ve bu yöntem ilkeleriyle geliştirilmiş, dil öğrenme stratejileri ve öğrenme ipuçlarıyla (Lerntipps), desteklenmiş ders kitaplarıyla en aza indirilecektir. Bu durum yabancı dil öğrencisinin dil öğrenme motivasyonunu artırarak başarısına da katkıda bulunacaktır. Bu çalışmada yabancı dil öğretiminde kullanılmakta olan geleneksel ve alternatif yabancı dil öğretim yöntemlerikelime öğretimi açısından ele alınmış ve kelime öğretimini nasılyaptıkları incelenmiştir. Bu inceleme sonuçlarından kelime öğretiminin doğrudan yapıldığı yöntemler “Dilbilgisi- Çeviri Yöntemi”, “Telkinsel Öğrenme Yöntemi”,“Callan Yöntemi”, “Birkenbihl Yöntemi” gibi daha çok son dönemlerde geliştirilmiş modern alternatif yöntemler oldukları görülmüştür.“Düzvarım Yöntemi”, “Doğal Yaklaşım”, “İletişimsel Yöntem”,“Tüm Fiziksel Tepki Yöntemi”, gibi geleneksel yabancı dil öğretim yöntemlerinde kelime öğretimin doğrudan yapılmamakta ve dikkate alınmamaktadır.
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