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Abstract (2. Language): 
It is known that Western Turkish produced works in Kıpchak Turkish and Old Anatolian Turkish in two different regions, namely in Anatolia and Egypt in the 14th and 15th centuries. Some of these works are copyrighted while some others are translated works. One of these translated works is Gulistan written by Sadi-i Şirazi. Gulistan is an important work in Persian written in 656 (1258) for Ebu Bekir bin Sa’d bin Zengi, a member of Salgurlu Dynasty. So far this important work has been translated into many world languages. It is known that this work has been translated into Turkish many times in various dates and eras. In 1391 the first Turkish translation of Gulistan was made in Kıpchak Turkish by Seyf-i Serai in Egypt where Kıpchak Turkish was the written language. In 1430 Gulistan was translated by Kadi Manyas into the Old Anatolian Turkish for the first time which became a written language in Anatolia for the first time and formed a basis for the present day Turkey Turkish. These two translations made in the years that are so close and in two different areas of Western Turkish shed light to their eras with their vocabulary used. The Turkish language until today has been spoken in various regions of the world, produced new words itself, and borrowed words from other languages and lent words to them as well. All of these experiences that our language underwent has matured and renewed itself as has been the case with the other languages. In this study the two translated works in two areas of Turkish will be compared in terms of vocabulary and an attempt to perform an assessment will be made in the light of the data obtained. In this study, the translations into Kıpchak Turkish made by Seyf-i Serayi and into Old Anatolian Turkish by Manyaslı Mahmud were compared and 269 words were identified as discrepant. These words were then sorted and classified according to their origins. We have today most of the works belonging to both Old Anatolian Turkish and Kıpchak Turkish and there are many studies performed on them. Dictionaries that contain vocabulary from both eras were published, which means we have in our hands the vocabulary from both eras. The aim of this study is not to contribute to the vocabulary but to establish how differently Turkish was reflected in the same work in different geographies in close periods of time. As a result of our studies on Gulistan translations from two different domains of Turkish, the number of words we obtained is 269. In the translation made by Manyaslı Mahmud with the Old Anatolian Turkish, there are 99 Turkish (36,8%), 60 Arabic (22,5%), 99 Persian (36,8%) words and 9 (3,4%) words with two languages combined, whereas in the translation made by Seyf-i Serayi into Kıpchak Turkish, there are 146 Turkish (54,3%), 83 Arabic (30,8%), 33 Persian (12,2%) words and 3 (1%) words with the combination of two languages. Among the vocabulary we evaluated separately, we found 2 Sogdian words in both translation while 1 word with Greek origin was found in the Kıpchak Turkish translation. In the light of data obtained, the number of words with Turkish and Persian origin in the translation with the Old Anatolian Turkish is almost equal. In the Kıpchak Turkish translation, Turkish words are dominant with Persian words being sparse. When evaluated in terms of Arabic words, there is a clear influence of Arabic in Kıpchak Turkish, which is quite normal considering the geography. The difference observed in two areas of the language is important in terms of reflecting the richness of Turkish language.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Türkçe, günümüze gelene kadar farklı coğrafyalarda hüküm sürmüş, kendi imkanlarıyla yeni kelimeler yapmış, yaşadığı coğrafya itibariyle diğer dillerden kelimeler almış, onlara kelimeler vermiştir. Bu birikimlerin üst üste eklenmesiyle dilimiz diğer dillerde de olduğu gibi olgunlaşıp gelişmiş, kendisini yenilemiştir. 14-15 yüzyıllarda Anadolu ve Mısır’da iki farklı coğrafyada, Batı Türkçesinin Kıpçak Türkçesi ve Eski Anadolu Türkçesi ile eserler verdiği bilinmektedir. Eserlerin bir kısmı telif bir kısmı da tercüme eserlerdir. Tercüme eserlerden biri de Sadi-i Şirazi’nin yazdığı Gülistan’dır. Gülistan, Sadi-i Şirazi tarafından Salgurlu hanedanından Ebu Bekir bin Sa'd bin Zengi adına 656'da (1258) Farsça kaleme alınmış önemli bir eserdir. Eser önemi nedeniyle pek çok dünya diline tercüme edilmiştir. Günümüze gelene kadar eserin çok farklı tarih ve dönemlerde Türkçeye aktarıldığı bilinmektedir. Gülistan, Türkçe olarak ilk defa Seyf-i Serayi tarafından 1391’de Mısır coğrafyasında yazı dili olan Kıpçak Türkçesine tercüme edilmiştir. Türkiye Türkçesinin temelini oluşturan ve ilk defa Anadolu’da yazı dili haline gelen Eski Anadolu Türkçesi ile yapılmış bilinen ilk tercüme ise 1430 tarihinde Manyaslı Mahmud tarafından yapılmıştır. Birbirine yakın yıllarda Batı Türkçesinin iki farklı sahasında yazılmış bu iki eser söz varlıkları ile dönemlerine ışık tutmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Türkçenin iki farklı sahasında yapılmış tercümeler, söz varlığı açısından karşılaştırılacak olup elde edilen veriler ışığında bir değerlendirme yapılmaya çalışılacaktır.



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