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- İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Objective: Acne is characterized by open and close comedon, erythematous papules, pustules, pseudocysts, nodules
and scar formation. Factors playing role at the etiopathogenesis include increased sebum secretion, ductal hyperkeratinization
(hypercornification), Propionibacterium Acnes colonization at the follicules and inflammation. Nitric
oxide (NO) is an inorganic molecule which is synthesized by NO synthetase (NOS) found in keratinocyte, fibroblast,
endothel, Langerhans and mast cells of the skin. NOS found in the keratinocytes and mast cells is induced
by cytokines. Produced NO stimulates guanylate cyclase which increases cGMP levels; cGMP has mitogenic effects
on keratinocytes and mast cells, therefore causes hyperkeratinization. The aim of this study was to evaluate
the role of nitric oxide levels in the etiopathogenesis of acne vulgaris.
Materials and methods: Study group was composed of 30 patients diagnosed as acne vulgaris and 16 healthy subjects
were included as the control group. Blood was taken early in the morning at fasting from both groups. The
metabolic products of NO - plasma nitrite/nitrate were measured by Griess reaction. Statistical evaluation of the data
was performed using the Student’s t test.
Results: Plasma nitrite/nitrate levels of the study group were significantly elevated in patients with acne vulgaris
when compared to the controls (p<0.05).
Conclusion: As a conclusion, elevation of plasma nitrite/nitrate levels are probably due to the increased production
of these compounds in patients with acne vulgaris
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Abstract (Original Language):
Amaç: Akne aç›k ve kapal› komedon oluflumu, eritemli papül ve püstüller, nodüller, psödokistler ve bazen de nedbe
oluflumu ile karakterizedir. Acne vulgaris etyopatogenezinde sebum sal›n›m›nda art›fl, duktal hiperkeratinizasyon
(hiperkornifikasyon), foliküllere Propionibacterium Acnes kolonizasyonu ve inflamasyonun oldu¤u düflünülmektedir.
Nitrik oksit (NO), derinin keratinosit, fibroblast, endotel, Langerhans ve mast hücrelerinde bulunan nitrik oksid
sentaz (NOS) taraf›ndan oluflturulan bir inorganik moleküldür. Sitokinlerin etkisi ile keratinosit ve mast hücrelerinde
NOS indüklenmektedir. Oluflan NO guanilat siklaz› stimüle ederek keratinosit ve mast hücrelerinde mitojenik
etkili olan cGMP düzeylerinin artmas›na ve böylece hiperkeratinizasyona neden olmaktad›r. Bu çal›flman›n amac›
nitrik oksit düzeylerinin acne vulgarisin etyopatogenezindeki rolünü incelemekti.
Gereç ve yöntem: Bu çal›flmaya Acne Vulgaris tan›s› konmufl 30 hasta ile, yap›lan sistemik muayeneleri sonucu
sa¤l›kl› olduklar› saptanan 16 kifli kontrol grubu olarak al›nd›. Gerek deney, gerekse kontrol grubunu oluflturan olgulardan
sabah aç kar›na al›nan venöz kan örneklerinde NO’in metabolik ürünleri olan nitrat/nitrit (NOx) düzeylerine
Griess reaksiyonu ile bak›ld›. Elde edilen sonuçlar Student’s t testi kullan›larak k›yasland›.
Bulgular: Deney grubunda nitrat/nitrit düzeylerinde kontrol grubuna göre istatistiki yönden anlaml› (p< 0,05) bir
art›fl gözlendi.
Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, akneli olgulardaki plazma nitrat/nitrit düzeylerindeki art›fl›n bu bilefliklerin üretiminin h›zlanmas›
na ba¤l› oldu¤u söylenebilir
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